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Guide to Boost Sales with B2B Company Accounts Magento 2

Brian Tran | 09-21-2020

Guide to Boost Sales with B2B Company Accounts Magento 2 Guide to Boost Sales with B2B Company Accounts Magento 2

The Most Popular Extension Builder for Magento 2

With a big catalog of 224+ extensions for your online store

Are you having problems converting B2B sales? Are you customers sharing with you about group purchasing difficulties? Do you want to improve your B2B buying experiences?

If these are issues that both you and your B2B customers are facing, then Company Accounts would be your must-have to cover your concerns. Let’s see how they can benefit you in the B2B world.

Table of Contents

What is a Magento company account?

Magento 2 company account is a type of account that contains multiple sub-accounts with different roles and permissions. Among sub-accounts, there will be one admin user with the highest authority who can manage all the actions of the account.

In comparison with a normal Magento account, this account is used for companies instead of single buyers.

Why do you need Company Accounts extension for your store?

A must-have feature for B2B customers

B2B customers play an important part in any business, your store might not be the outsider. And you will always need additional extensions to cover all the needs in the B2B business setting to streamline the purchasing process. One of the most-wanted customizations is creating company accounts.

Company Accounts extension does the basic but essential works:

  • Let customer create a “1 parent - multiple children” type of account that consists of one company account and multiple sub-accounts
  • Each sub-account will be assigned certain access permission to the company actions such as placing orders or editing the company information

Enable a straightforward mechanism for company purchase activities

If your customers are giant companies containing distinct groups with different purchasing demands or require a myriad of orders on a daily basis, then shared-account will be a possible way to tackle the productivity problem.

For example, an event agency that consists of multiple projects at the same time, and each project is handled by a team. What if all the orders must be placed by one person? He/she can be overwhelmed by the workload and possible mistakes can happen.

Mageplaza Company Accounts extension allows creating multiple roles in a company and assigns corresponding access permission to each role. By doing this, sub-accounts can freely place orders without the admin if allowed beforehand.

Even if the company has different branches that are located over places, it can still manage all the purchasing activities in one place.

company accounts boost sales
Allowing company accounts will hepl you to boost sales

Simplify and speed up the purchasing process

With a sharp hierarchy, companies can speed up the purchasing activities by adding multiple authorized users to the account and leave the rights to take action:

  • Reducing a layer of steps in the ordering process
  • Customers can still protect the budget by setting limits on ordering

Grow more orders for your store

Once you have satisfied your customers with a smoothly buying flow, possibly, they will return for more orders and you can keep them for such a long time.

Company accounts allow organizations to distribute the ordering activities throughout groups/teams for several members. It will be less overwhelming for certain members to process all ordering demands. It will also be relaxing for team members to have a space of their own to purchase assets which they think would resonate with the company’ benefit.

Consequently, you will motivate your customers to purchase more of what are beneficial to them and your B2B sales will see the improvement soon.

B2B Company Account for Magento 2 - Detailed Guide

Quick set-up from the backend by store admins

As a store admin, you can previously configure some features that will be applied to all of the companies in your store.

  • Allow customers groups to request company creation: to allow the right groups to submit for company creation

  • Auto Approve Company: let the company can quickly submit, add roles & users, then start to place orders

  • Assign a customer group for a company account

General Setting

General setting

  • Enable: Choose “Yes” to use the module

  • Allow Customer Group(s) to Request Company Creation: Choose customer groups that are allowed to request the company creation

  • Auto Approve Company: Choose “Yes” if the you allow company creation request to be auto-approved

  • Action with Sub-account After Being Removed from Company: Choose the actions for any sub-account after it’s removed from the company

Action with Sub account

  • Do Nothing: remove the account from the company completely but still keep it in the customer list of the store

  • Inactive account: keep the account in the customer list of the store but inactive it

  • Completely delete: remove the user from both the company and the customer list of the store

  • Unassign all company orders: remove the user from the company and all orders that this user has placed will also be removed from the company orders

Auto Add Default Address for New Users:

  • Choose No if you don’t want to auto-add the default addressed for new users

  • Company Admin Address: auto-add the address of the company admin user for new users

  • Company Legal Address: auto-add the company legal address for new users

Add multiple users to a company at once

Add new users

Admin notification

Admin Notification

  • Enable New Company Request Notification: Choose Yes to enable notification for the store admin when there is a new company account creation request.

  • Sender: Choose the sender for the email. There are five values to choose from in the dropdown.

  • Receiver: Choose the receiver for the email. There are five values to choose from in the dropdown.

Company Admin Notification

Company Admin Notification

  • Sender: Choose the sender for the email. There are five values to choose from in the dropdown

  • Enable Company Status Change Notification: Choose Yes to allow Company Admin to receive an email notification when there is a change in Company Status

  • Enable User Update Notification: Choose Yes to allow Company Admin to receive email notifications when there are updates of company users

  • Enable New Order Notification: Choose Yes to allow Company Admin to receive email notifications when new company orders are placed

  • Enable Role Notification: Choose Yes to allow Company Admin to receive email notifications when there are company user role updates

Company user notification

User Notification

  • Sender: Choose the sender for the email. There are five values to choose from in the dropdown

  • Choose the template for all email notifications as follows. You can create a new template in Marketing > Communications > Email Templates > Add New Template

Increase orders by offering an efficient company purchasing experience

  • Create company accounts

With this solution, merchants can let customers create company accounts in your store. Users just need to go to My Account page, find the Register Company tab, and start to register for a company account in the store.

magento 2 company accounts create account
Create a new company

In the form, customers will fill in important company information such as Company Name, Company Email, Company Address, Phone Number, etc. to submit to the store account management system.

After the admin reviews and accepts the company creation request, the company admin will find the My Company tab in the My Account page. Now the admin can start to add new users to the company.

  • Unlimited number of sub-accounts per company

The company admin can add an unlimited number of users, set up a hierarchical access system with multiple roles, and assign specific roles like manager, supervisor, staff, sales representative, etc., to individual users.

Manage sub-accounts

  • Create user roles

One of the most important features of Company Accounts is creating user roles, by which your customers can build a sharp hierarchy of the company structure. Subsequently, the purchasing activities will be distributed logically and reasonably from now on.

In detail, each role will be set up with certain access permissions including:

  • Company information: view ( “My Company” tab in “My Account” page); edit company information; receive notice when the company updated

  • Manage users: view; add; edit; delete, receive notice when user updated

  • Company orders: place, view, receive notifications when new order placed, print order/invoice/refund, track shipment and reorder

  • Manage roles: view, add, edit, delete and receive notice when role updated

Configure multiple rights granted to each user

It can be very flexible for customers to set the permissions. For example, team leaders can place orders while staff can only view orders. Another example is that managers can add new users to the company but cannot add new roles, as only admin can do that.

[SPECIAL FEATURE] A new and useful feature that Mageplaza team has developed is allowing admins to set the limit on the ordering with each role:

  • Set the maximum Amount that a user can place per order

  • Set the maximum Number of orders that a user can place (when the user reach the maximum order, he/she can only place more orders when the admin increase the value)

Set maximum number of orders and amount per order

Your customer can share the purchasing tasks with other members in the company but at the same time keep every action under control by setting limits beforehand.

  • Add unlimited sub-accounts and assign roles From the frontend, to add new users to the company, the admin heads to Manage Users tab, click on the ** Add new users* button, and fill in the required fields and choose an appropriate role for the user.
magento 2 company accounts multiple user roles
Add accounts and assign roles

Automatic notification emails

Besides the main system, there is an automatic system that works correspondingly to notify store admins, company admins, and company users about the status of orders or other activities within the account. The following are some examples of email notifications that help the process to be transparent.

  • Emails sent to store admins: When there is a new company creation request, store admins will be notified by an email
magento 2 company store admin automatic email notifications
Automatic email notifications for store admins
  • Company status change notification: When the admin rejects, activate or inactivate the company
magento 2 company accounts status change notification
Company status change notification
  • User Update Notification
magento 2 company accounts User Update Notification
User Update Notification
  • New Order Notification
magento 2 company accounts new order notification
New Order Notification
  • New Role Notification
magento 2 company accounts New Role Notification
New Role Notification

Manage all companies in a grid

Manage all companies in a grid

As a store proprietor, you have the ability to oversee all corporate accounts through a user-friendly interface in the backend. Merchants can:

  • Create/Edit/Delete company accounts

  • Modify company account information

  • Allocate a customer group to a company account

  • Add/Delete company users

This allows for effortless management of all customers, the creation of tailored and enticing promotions, and the strategic implementation of upselling tactics, leveraging data collected from customer purchase activities.

Easily add companies to sales email templates

You can quickly add the Company variable to every sales email template by adding the string `` to the desired position.

mageplaza magento 2 company accounts add company to sales email templates
Add the srting to the template

Read more:

Create Payment Method

Payment Method

Go to Stores → Configuration → Sales → Payment Methods Choose your suitable payment options. We recommend you choose Paypal or Braintree to have the best experience.

Click here for the detailed guide on how to configure Payment Method in Magento 2.

Are you ready?

B2B stores, Are you ready to integrate this amazing solution to your store? You should do it straight away because your customers might need it to optimize their purchase activities. The missing feature of Magento 2 default will be covered perfectly by Mageplaza Company Accounts extension.

If you want to provide a convenient B2B purchasing experience, build a last-long relationship with your partners and grow more orders ultimately, don’t hesitate to try our solution, we are pleased to help you improve your online store.

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    Senior Magento Developer who is passionate about development and love technology

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