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Where and How to Hire Dedicated Developer in 2024?

In recent years, companies developing technology projects often opt to hire outsourced dedicated developer team. Dedicated developers are skilled professionals who work exclusively on a particular project for an extended period, often as part of an outsourced team. They become an integral part of your project, working remotely but maintaining close communication and collaboration with your in-house team.

This approach helps them avoid the costs associated with salaries and benefits for an in-house team.

However, the challenge remains: how can you hire dedicated developers who align with your needs, budget, and company culture? Here’s a brief guide:

  • Clearly define your goals and requirements.
  • Thoroughly assess the developers’ capabilities and suitability through various methods.

For more details, scroll down and explore our article!

When Should You Hire Dedicated Developers?

Hiring dedicated developers can be a good choice for several reasons, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Here are some situations where it might be the right call:

  • Complex or ongoing project: If you have a complex software project that requires ongoing development and maintenance, hiring dedicated developers can provide the focus and expertise needed to see it through.

  • Lack of in-house skills: Maybe your company doesn’t have the specific development skills required for your project. Hiring dedicated developers gives you access to that expertise without the overhead of building a full-time team.

  • Faster development and time-sensitive projects: Because dedicated developers are solely focused on your project, development can progress quicker than if it were just one of many tasks for an in-house team. This can be crucial for projects with tight deadlines.

  • Scalability and cost-effectiveness: Dedicated developers can be a more scalable and cost-effective solution than building a permanent in-house team, especially for short-term projects.

3 Models Of Hiring Dedicated Developers

There are several ways to hire dedicated developers who will work exclusively on your project. Each model offers its own advantages and considerations. Let’s explore the three most common options:

1. Freelance

Freelance hiring involves contracting independent developers who work on a per-project basis. Freelancers are self-employed professionals who offer their services to multiple clients, usually through online platforms.


  • Cost-effective: Often more affordable than other models, as there are no overhead costs.
  • Flexibility: Freelancers can be hired for specific tasks or short-term projects.
  • Wide talent pool: Access to a diverse range of skills and expertise from around the globe.


  • Reliability: Freelancers may juggle multiple projects, which can impact their availability and focus.
  • Quality control: Varies significantly, as there’s no standardized vetting process.
  • Management: Requires effective communication and project management to ensure alignment and deadlines.

Outstanding places to find freelancers:

  • Upwork: This popular platform offers a vast pool of freelancers across various skill levels, from junior to senior. You can post your project details and have developers compete with bids, or directly invite specific freelancers to apply.
  • Toptal: Known for its rigorous screening process, Toptal connects you with the best freelancers available. Expect higher rates, but also guaranteed access to exceptional talent.
  • Freelancer.com: Offering a wide range of freelancers with diverse skills, Freelancer.com is another popular platform for hiring dedicated developers. Their system allows for milestone-based payments, which can be beneficial for spreading out the cost of larger projects.

2. Outsourcing agencies

Outsourcing agencies refers to companies that provide development services through their own teams. These agencies handle entire projects or specific components, leveraging their resources and expertise.


  • End-to-end solutions: Agencies often offer comprehensive services, from development to project management.
  • Risk management: Agencies typically have established processes and accountability measures in place.


  • Cost: Generally more expensive than freelancers due to overheads and added value services.
  • Control: Less direct control over the development process and team.

Outstanding places to hire outsourcing agencies:

Mageplaza stands out as a top choice for hiring dedicated developers, thanks to their extensive experience, skilled team, transparent approach,. Here’s a closer look at the advantages they offer:

  • Proven expertise: With over 10 years in the tech industry and a global clientele exceeding 200,000, Mageplaza boasts a wealth of experience.
  • Highly certified developers: Their team goes beyond just experience. Mageplaza employs highly skilled developers who hold recognized certifications such as Adobe Commerce Developer Expert, AWS Certified Solutions Architect, etc .
  • Unmatched transparency: Mageplaza prioritizes transparency by providing you with access to the development team’s workspace. This allows you to monitor the progress, understand the implemented processes, and track the project’s evolution.

Hire dedicated developers from Mageplaza


3. Staff augmentation

This model involves hiring external developers to work alongside your in-house team. These developers are usually sourced through a staffing agency and integrated into your existing workflows.


  • Flexibility: Scale your team up or down based on project needs.
  • Control: Maintain direct oversight and management of the augmented staff.
  • Expertise: Quickly fill skill gaps without long-term commitments.


  • Integration: May require time and effort to integrate external developers into your team.
  • Dependency: Can lead to reliance on external staff for critical tasks.
  • Cost: Potentially higher costs due to agency fees and competitive salaries for skilled developers.

Outstanding places to hire staff augmentation services:

  • BariesDev: This is a prominent player in the staff augmentation market, known for its robust selection of highly skilled professionals across various domains. With a strong focus on technology and software development, BariesDev caters to businesses looking for top-tier talent to complement their existing teams. BariesDev typically charges between $30 to $70 per hour, depending on the expertise level required and the project’s complexity.
  • Bestarion: This is another leading firm in the staff augmentation sector, particularly well-regarded for its cost-effective solutions and extensive experience in the IT and software development industries. Bestarion’s services are competitively priced, ranging from $20 to $50 per hour.

How to Hire Dedicated Developers (7 Steps)

This guide equips you with a step-by-step process to hiring top talent for your project:

hire dedicated developers process

Step 1: Define an evaluation matrix

The evaluation matrix ensures an objective evaluation process, allowing you to compare candidates based on pre-defined criteria.

You should create an evaluation matrix that outlines the essential skills, experience, and qualities you seek in a developer. Here’s some key point when building the evaluation matrix before hiring dedicated developers:

  • Technical skills (Weighted): List the programming languages, frameworks, and technologies your project requires. Assign a weight to each skill based on its importance (e.g., Python - High, HTML - Medium).
  • Soft skills (Weighted): Include qualities like communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and time management. Assign weights here as well.
  • Experience (Years/Projects): Determine the minimum and preferred levels of experience relevant to your project scope.
  • Bonus points (Optional): Consider additional factors, such as specific certifications, open-source contributions, or experience in your industry.

Pro tips: We highly recommend you involve key stakeholders in creating the evaluation matrix. This fosters consensus on expectations and streamlines the interview process.

Step 2: Craft a compelling job description

Your job description is the first impression for potential candidates. Here’s how to craft one that attracts the right talent:

  • Clear and concise title: Use keywords relevant to the developer skills you need (e.g., “Senior Python Developer—E-Commerce Platform”).
  • Compelling introduction: Briefly introduce your company, its mission, and the exciting project the developer will contribute to.
  • Detailed responsibilities: Outline the day-to-day tasks and projects the developer will undertake.
  • Technical skills: List the required and preferred technical skills using the same language developers use (e.g., mention specific frameworks and libraries).
  • Soft skills: Emphasize the desired soft skills like teamwork and communication.
  • Benefits and perks: Showcase what makes your company stand out; competitive salary, flexible work arrangements, or learning opportunities are all attractive points.

Step 3: Find dedicated developers

We have suggested 3 models of hiring dedicated developers above. Now, it’s time to find developers at one of the above models.

Choosing the right models depends on your project needs, budget, and desired level of control. Here’s a quick breakdown to help you decide:

  • For short-term projects with a clear scope: Consider freelance platforms.
  • For ongoing projects or complex needs: Look into dedicated development teams.
  • To fill specific skill gaps in your existing team: Staff augmentation could be a good fit.

Step 4: Checking CVs and shortlisting candidates

The next step in hiring dedicated developers is to screen resumes and narrow down your options. Here’s what to look for:

  • Keyword matching: Scan for keywords that match the skills and experience listed in your evaluation matrix. Some applicant tracking systems (ATS) that specialize in the technology industry (Greenhouse, BambooHR, etc) can filter resumes based on keywords and qualifications you define.
  • Project experience: Evaluate past projects to ensure the developer has experience with similar technologies and problem domains.
  • Quantifiable achievements: Look for measurable results from a candidate’s past work. Did they increase efficiency by X%? Did they develop a feature that boosted user engagement by Y%?
  • Clear communication: Assess how effectively the developer presents their skills and experience on their resume.
  • Red flags: Identify gaps in employment history, irrelevant experience, or a lack of required skills.

Step 5: Interviewing candidates (Two rounds)

Round 1: Phone interview

Once you’ve shortlisted a few candidates, conduct a brief phone interview (around 15-30 minutes) to assess their basic skills and communication style. Here are what you should do in this short interview:

  • Introduce yourself and the company.
  • Ask about their background and experience.
  • Ask basic technical questions to gauge their understanding of key concepts and technologies.
  • Briefly discuss project expectations, timelines, and work style.
  • Ask about the candidate’s reasons for applying to your company and their reasons for leaving their previous company.
  • Discuss the salary and benefits the candidate wants.

Pro tips: When scheduling an in-person interview, it is important to provide the candidate with all the necessary details. This includes the date, time and location of the interview and any specific requests for preparation. However, even if you have already discussed these details over the phone, it is important to follow up with an email invitation and request confirmation from the candidate.

Round 2: In-person interview

This deeper interview allows you to assess not just technical skills but also soft skills and problem-solving abilities. The ideal interview panel for a dedicated developer position should consist of:

  • Technical lead/senior developer
  • Project manager/team lead
  • Hiring manager

Here’s how to structure an in-depth interview when hiring a dedicated developer:

  • Technical deep dive: Present a more complex technical challenge related to your project. Observe the candidate’s approach to problem-solving, thought process, and communication of ideas.
  • Behavioral questions: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to ask questions that uncover past behaviors that demonstrate desired soft skills. For example, “Tell me about a time you faced a technical hurdle in a project. What steps did you take to overcome it?”
  • Portfolio review: If applicable, discuss the candidate’s portfolio projects in detail. This provides insights into their coding style, design choices, and ability to explain their work. Company culture fit: It is important to discuss work styles, team dynamics, and expectations. This allows both you and the candidate to assess if there’s a good fit.

Step 6: Require live coding test (Optional)

For roles that require a high level of technical expertise, consider incorporating a live coding test into the interview process. This step allows you to evaluate the candidate’s coding skills in a real-time setting, providing insight into their problem-solving approach, coding style, and ability to perform under pressure.

You need to provide a well-defined coding challenge relevant to your project and observe how the candidate approaches it:

  • Problem-solving skills: See how they break down the problem and develop a solution.
  • Coding efficiency: Observe their coding style, syntax usage, and ability to write clean and maintainable code.
  • Communication: Encourage them to explain their thought process and ask clarifying questions to ensure they understand the task.

Step 7: Select the best candidate and make an offer

After a thorough interview process, you’ll likely have a clear favorite. Here’s how to finalize the hiring dedicated developer process:

  • Reference checks: Reach out to past employers or colleagues mentioned in the CV to verify the candidate’s skills and work ethic.
  • Negotiate the contract: Discuss the compensation package, project timeline, and expectations clearly.
  • Formal job offer: Present a written offer outlining the key terms of employment.

How Much Cost for Hiring Dedicated Developers?

The cost of hiring dedicated developers varies depending on their location. Here’s a glimpse into the average hourly rates (USD) for mid to senior-level developers in 2024:

  • US: $70 – $130/ hour
  • Eastern Europe: $50-$120/ hour
  • India: $25-$50/ hour

While hourly rates provide a starting point, many companies prefer to work with monthly retainers for budgeting purposes. Based on a standard 40-hour work week, here’s a ballpark estimate for monthly costs (considering mid to senior-level experience):

  • Monthly rate: $2,800 - $3,200


In conclusion, hiring dedicated developers for your project requires careful planning and consideration. The tips discussed in this article can help you navigate the hiring process more effectively.

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