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What are unique features in Mageplaza Gift Card extension?

Summer Nguyen | 12-19-2017

What are unique features in Mageplaza Gift Card extension? What are unique features in Mageplaza Gift Card extension?

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What are unique features in Mageplaza Gift Card extension?

Mageplaza Gift Card

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With all the convenience that a gift voucher can offer to card owners, gift certificates have been becoming increasingly popular than ever, especially digital gift cards. Online merchants, as a result, are learning how to take advantage from gift card industry. Knowing about the increasing demands from shop owners as well as customers, Magento 2 Gift Card is created to support every Magento online merchant. With Magento 2 Gift Card module, both consumers and store owners are beneficial from shopping activities even online or offline. Following is a list of outstanding features that are provided by this great extension.

Flexible in number of vouchers and its values

Mageplaza Gift Card Flexible in number of vouchers and its values

One more highly appreciated feature that makes Magento 2 Gift Card extensions become increasingly popular is its ability to create unlimited number of vouchers. It means that one person can purchase one or thousands of certificates for themselves or their beloveds. The amount of value for each voucher is also decided by buyers as well. Besides, when they wish to purchase a product by gift cards, they can apply several vouchers at the same time without any difficulty.

Easy-to-understand and attractive design

Mageplaza Gift Card Easy-to-understand and attractive design

By giving detailed instructions, Magento Gift Card extension allows users easily access to all useful functions to select their favorite gift vouchers. This extension promises to create a sense of satisfaction among customers as they can customize and feature their own gift certificates by choosing templates and images themselves. Only by one click, several beautifully-designed templates will be presented constantly in a blink of an eye. Moreover, with a bunch of beautiful images, consumers are offered more opportunities to figure out the most eye-catching and suitable cards to send to their beloveds.

Gift Card

Gift Card for Magento 2

Enhance customer loyalty through convenient and flexible gift card solutions

Check it out!

Easy to customize and personalize

As mentioned before, customers can easily select their favorite images and templates among a bank of eye-catching ones available. Especially, Mageplaza Gift Card also allows users to upload their own pictures or any pictures that they expect to appear on the voucher. This function is highly appreciated by all consumers since they can design their ideal certificates based on their tastes and preferences. If users would like to treat their gift card as a present, they can also take a look at the certificate before sending by preview function. As a consequence, the card become a more special and meaningful present to card receiver.

Friendly and easy to perform

Gift Card Friendly and easy to perform

People may worry that to perform all useful functions of Gift Card extension is hard and complicated for web browsers, especially who are new to online shopping. Actually, users do not need to put much effort in these activities as all they need to do is follow the detailed instructions for each step. For example, if they want to set up or upgrade new version of this extension, all they need to do is one click. When consumers expect to insert their own pictures from their computers, customers only need to keep their mice to drag and drop the pictures they want to image box. Additionally, Mageplaza gift card extension is designed to support multiple languages; therefore, both online merchants and online customers do not need to worry about language barriers.

Possible to deliver via SMS, emails, mail

Knowing that many people purchase a gift card with the intention to present it to their beloved, Mageplaza gift card offers web browsers different choices to deliver their gift at ease. They can choose to send it via SMS, emails, mail without any difficulty. Additionally, another outstanding feature of this extension is delivery time. By using this function, buyers are more active in sending their gifts to receivers at any time. In other words, they can set date and time at which the presents are handed to the right people.

Gift Card Possible to deliver via SMS, emails, mail

Different ways to store cards

When online merchants apply this extension, their customers can have various choices to keep their vouchers. Buyers once decided to purchase a gift card can choose to use it as an e-gift certificate or receive it via their email addresses. It means that consumers only need a computer or a mobile phone and mobile sim plan with Internet connected to keep their certificates handy. Moreover, if they want to spend their vouchers at the bricks and mortals, card owners can print the cards at home and treat them as shopping vouchers as normal. Furthermore, users can also import or export the gift codes with ease to apply for their bills. Additionally, if they can remember a chain of gift codes, they even do not need to bring any physical gift voucher along as well.

Supportive in Giving Message

Gift Card Supportive in Giving Message

Beside Delivery Time function, Mageplaza Gift Card extension allows shopping doers to attach their messages to the receivers. It means that, if buyers want to buy their beloveds a gift card on their birthday or anniversary or any occasion, they can also send their messages they want to transfer to receivers. This function is favorable to almost all users, especially to people who are living far from their family and friends. Since it is sure that all receivers will be surprises and happy about the surprising gifts and wishes.

Convenient to use as card credit

Mageplaza Gift Card Convenient to use as card credit

Not only has a variety of ways to keep a gift card, this extension also enables users to treat their cards as a smart payment method. Card owners can track their shopping activities, transactions, and account balance via their mobile devices. This function is created to prevent the possibility of losing money for consumers. Moreover, with the uncompleted order, users can redeem their used gift voucher, which is very convenient for any shopping doers.

In conclusion, Mageplaza gift card module is integral to any Magento online merchants. If you still doubt about how remarkably this extension can bring to your stores, just experience by yourself. Your customers will be sure to be satisfied and happy by every convenient and beneficial function provided by our extension.

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    A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.

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