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How to Send a Follow-up Email after no Response?

Vinh Jacker | 11-15-2019

Send a Follow-up Email after no Response Send a Follow-up Email after no Response

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Nobody wants to be rejected after sending a follow-up email. Statistics show that 44% of salespeople stop following-up after getting one rejection. It is hard to get a response right at the first time, and this can make you want to give up. But, if you have a clever follow-up strategy along with great persistence, your prospects will send you a reply for more conversations that can lead to further sales. So, how to send a follow-up email after no response?

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The average waiting time before the next follow-up

Your prospects’ email boxes are flooded with hundreds of emails per day, so the chance that they might miss your email or give you a late response is pretty high. In such a competitive landscape, leveraging cold emailing software can help streamline your outreach efforts and enhance your chances of standing out. Then, what should you do after hearing nothing back from the recipients? You want to remind them about the previous approach, but you are afraid that they might get irritated if you send the next email too quickly. However, if you send the email too late, the prospects might lose sight of what you had sent them before. Well, this is a kind of tricky proposition.

It is hard to know the accurate time to send the next follow up email after getting zero response from potential clients. But, there are some recommendations about the time you should wait before continuing your campaign in certain situations:

  • If it is an email to your cold prospects, try to send 5 to 6 follow-ups in a one-month time period. It should be 2 emails per week in the first two weeks, and then you reduce the frequency to 1 email after. If clients still don’t show any interest in your offerings after 6 to 7 follow-ups, then it is the time to stop approaching them if you don’t want to be blocked forever.

  • In case that you had sent a proposal email to the prospects, 1 week is the proper waiting time because they need to consider your proposal carefully before giving a final response. If nothing happens, then you should send the second/ 2nd follow-up email with better offerings.

  • If the last email’s purpose is for a meeting request, you should send a follow-up 2 to 3 days after no sign of a responding email from your prospects. It depends on the meeting schedule, as well. If it is urgent, you can remind them on the next day right after the last email.

Sending a follow-up at the right time is very important because it is probably the reason why people didn’t respond to your previous email. Also, you should remember to pay attention to the time of the day when the next email is sent, which depends on the type of prospects you are approaching that makes you decide whether to send them during the day or at night time. To make sure what time is the best solution to your email marketing plan, testing on your own data is a favorable recommended method.

How to send the Follow-up email after no Response

Now, you have waited enough, it is time to keep your follow-up plan going. To help you with the process, below are some factors that should be considered when you send the next email if you want to get a response sooner.

Check your email before sending

follow-up email

This is still an important step. Double-check your email before sending costs nothing, and it even helps the email look more professional to your prospects. So, what elements should be reviewed carefully?

  • The email length: It is suggested that an email with 50 to 125 words is long enough to let recipients know all of the contexts, offerings and a call-to-action, which can encourage them to send a reply to start further conversations. Also, an email that contains 1 to 3 questions can get a chance of receiving a response by 50%.

  • Spelling and email manners: The prospects may want to respond if you can show them some credibility which can easily be expressed by how professional your email is. That’s why checking the spelling as well as the appropriate tone used in the email is necessary. In addition, you should personalize the email to each recipient to make them feel your sincerity and understand that you are waiting for their response.

  • Your close adjustment: When your initial email goes unanswered, you should change the close. Since the recipients didn’t reply to your previous request, do you think they are going to respond this time with the same question? No, obviously, they will ignore it. Thus, before sending the next follow-up emails, make sure that you will send a fresh one with a different clear call-to-action.

  • Email deliverability: Perhaps clients didn’t respond to your previous email because it might be automatically sent to their spam boxes. Therefore, you should test whether your email is lost in the spam box or not to avoid wasting time on your follow-up process. Check out our most popular SMTP for Magento 2 for a solution if you have this kind of problem.

Use automation email when you need

Well, you are also busy, not just your recipients. Obviously, following up with tons of customers at a time is not an easy thing to do. Sometimes, you have to spend hours to type out hundreds of different emails to different prospects, and this task can waste a lot of your time. Then, utilizing the advance of technology might be helpful in many circumstances. Particularly, you can use CMS software or other equivalent tools to automate follow-up emails.

Read this article to know more about email marketing automation in Magento 2.

Be positive and patient

You might be upset or sometimes depressing when your prospects don’t show any sign that they are going to respond to the email. But, if you follow up with your audience with an aggressive attitude, you will never succeed to receive a response from them. Instead, try to stay positive and understand that your prospect is super busy, and they need time to read and give you a proper response.

use automation email

Even if they don’t respond to your email, you should be persistent and use a very gentle tone to keep following up. Don’t make the recipients feel like it was their fault for not answering your email, which has wasted a lot of your time. It won’t help if you do that. When you send up to 6 to 7 emails but hear nothing back from your potential leads, stop sending more follow up emails to respect their time and avoid annoying them. However, you still need to put great efforts into the follow-up process with positive thoughts and not give up after just one or two rejections. Great results may come if you are patient enough.

Be honest to your recipient

Faking a subject line such as ‘Re: our last meeting’ or ‘Continue our discussion’ is what you definitely should not do. When you trick your prospects to open the email, they are going to be confused or even annoyed by this. Why? Because if there was actually no meeting or conversation between you and the recipient before, it means you lie to them and they will never trust you again. So, in most cases, using a bit of click-bait is not a wise choice to make the audience respond to your email.

Instead, using a clear and direct subject line plus providing the prospects with the information that they might not know is a better way than beguiling them to read the email. Remember to leave a question in the text, as well, in order to gain more chances of receiving a response from the audiences.

Use other channels to support

You know that email is not the only way to follow up with your prospects. Diversifying your touches can help you generate attention from your prospects. You can ask for a phone call, send a social-media request or send them a LinkedIn message, etc. But, you should kindly ask them which is their favorable contact method before continuing to engage with them, or else they might get uncomfortable if you are ‘spamming’ them spontaneously on too many channels.

Final words

After having no response from the previous email, you may want to give up your follow-up strategy. However, if you are patient, constant on achieving your initial goals and have a clear and clever plan for the next follow-up emails to support, there is a high chance that you may get a response from your prospect for further conversations or even great deals to your business.

Follow Up Email

Follow Up Email for Magento 2

Create automatic email chains for higher conversion rates and better sales

Check it out!

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    With over a decade of experience crafting innovative tech solutions for ecommerce businesses built on Magento, Jacker is the mastermind behind our secure and well-functioned extensions. With his expertise in building user-friendly interfaces and robust back-end systems, Mageplaza was able to deliver exceptional Magento solutions and services for over 122K+ customers around the world.

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