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How to create rule-based Follow Up Email for Magento 2 stores?

Summer Nguyen | 01-02-2020

How to create rule-based Follow Up Email for Magento 2 stores? How to create rule-based Follow Up Email for Magento 2 stores?

The Most Popular Extension Builder for Magento 2

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Why do you choose Email Marketing for your business? In case you didn’t know, in term of ROI, email marketing is the top of all marketing tools with a 4400% ROI and $44 for every $1 spent.

If you are looking for the best ways of sending follow-up emails by specific conditions such as customers accounts, orders, shopping cart, wishlist, etc, this blog is for you. We are going to provide Magento 2 stores typical statistics of email marketing and then introduce you of the ultimate Magento 2 Follow Up Email extension for you online stores. Are you ready for the journey with me?

Table of Contents

Follow Up Email Marketing - Facts and Figures

Facts and Figures of Follow Up Email Marketing

Here, you’ll find data-backed email marketing statistics on various fields from email automation, mobile emails, to email personalization and social media comparison.

  • By Adobe research, about 61% of customers love to be connected via emails by brands
  • Compared to other types of email marketing, transactions emails which is related to customers accounts and orders have 8 times more opened and clicked and also generate 6 times more revenue. By Experian
  • More than 75% of email revenue is earned from triggered campaigns, rather than one-size-fits-all campaigns. Automation email makes up 21% of email marketing revenue. – DMA
  • Personalized email messages improve click-through rates by an average of 14% and conversions by 10%. – Aberdeen
  • 77% of ROI comes from segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns. – DMA
  • Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter. – McKinsey
  • Including a call to action button instead of a text link can increase conversion rates by as much as 28%. – Campaign Monitor

Why Follow Up Email is a clever choice in many marketing tools

More interaction with customers, better understand them

Sending personal emails is one of the best ways to impress first-time customers and retain loyal ones. They can feel the stores’ effort in listening and improving the services. Anyone loves to be understood and listened to. The more individual care you spend for your clients, the more positive feeling and even more money they bring to you still with the happy experience.

If you are wondering how to apply the personality in your business so that customers are always adored to you, view more tips on this blog.

More interaction with customers

Significantly improve conversions

If a customer spends days, months, even years to follow their beloved items on your websites, put them into wishlist and shopping cart, but take a long time to make a purchase decision. How can you convert them faster?

The answer is: Don’t let them alone in their shopping journey. Follow them from the beginning to the even after purchase. Follow Up Email tool accounts for this task. You can send welcome emails when customers register a new account. You also can send them the sales notifications if they take too long a time to process purchase shopping cart purchases. After-sales emails are also excellently effective to make customers repurchase with your businesses.

Work as a promotional channel

Follow Up Email can serve multiple purposes but the two main ones are: Notifying customers of their actions/accounts updates and also, provide customers the appealing promotion programs.

They can receive emails of cross-sell or up-sell products attached. Follow up emails can also contain the notification of super deals in store at special occasions. Or else, shoppers can even get the auto-generated coupon codes, which motivate they to spend more on your stores.

Superlative functions by Follow Up Email extension

Follow up emails based on events

Follow up emails based on events

There are up to 5 events that follow up emails are triggered to send to customers as well as admins:

  • Order related events
  • Abandoned cart
  • Customers
  • Wishlist update
  • Date

Orders related events can be the generations of order, shipment, invoice, credit memo. Also, when order statuses are updated, the module also sends email notifications to customers and admins.

Emails notifications when record customers actions

record customers actions

To inform customers instantly of their information changes, Follow Up Email extension supports various activities triggers includes:

  • Account registration
  • Newsletter subscribing
  • Unsubscribe for newsletter
  • Review submitting
  • Approve customer reviews
  • Customer’s birthday
  • Change on customer’s group
  • Inactive in a period

Follow up emails on updating Wishlist

updating Wishlist

Understanding the importance of customers’ wishlists, this module supports email notifications for any change in their interested items. This helps shoppers always get the latest information to give the decision at the right time.

The updating actions can be:

  • Wishlist is generated
  • Sales for products on the wishlist
  • Products on wishlist are back to stock
  • Sharing wishlist to others

Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned Carts are unavoidable for customers since they have a lot of things to consider before a purchase decision. However, Magento stores can absolutely reduce the cart abandonment rate by taking care of and notifying customers of their forgotten items, using features like Magento 2 abandoned cart email.

The follow-up emails can remind customers of their missing cart and make them recall their demand previously. It is likely that they click to the email to recheck their cart. Hence, the conversions have a chance to be raised by this event.

abandoned cart email

Abandoned Cart Email for Magento 2

Solutions to abandoned carts issue, helping online businesses boost sales and enhance conversion rates (Hyva ready)

Check it out!

Emails customization via popup

Emails customization via popup

For each email campaign, Magento admins can make unlimited conditions and events to auto send emails for customers and themselves. These events can be easily configured at backend through a popup. You can see the below photo for better visualization.

Clicking to create any events or emails, a popup will be opened instantly. Admin configures the settings and saves things separately, which brings more convenience for administration tasks.

Support A/B testing

Support A/B testing

A/B testing is the ultimate and extremely helpful for any merchant to measure campaign effectiveness. With Follow Up Email module, admin can run two email campaigns at the same time and compare the analytics results of them after a period. Then, you can decide to keep and skip which one.

Reports on Follow up emails

Reports on Follow up emails

Report on email log helps store owners get to know their effectiveness of email campaigns. Admin can view the statistics below:

  • Email sents
  • Opened emails
  • Clicked emails
  • Open emails rate
  • Clicked emails rate

Based on this report, admin can control the email quantity sent as well as make adjustments for the content and design to improve the situations.

Start/End events following rules

Start/End events

One of the powerful functions is allowing admin to trigger followup emails based on its conditions. Hence, marketing emails are only sent to the customers in appropriate situations so that it will not annoy them. The conditions set can be:

  • Set the conditions on order attributes for order events
  • Customer, order and product conditions for customer events
  • Product attribute conditions for wishlist events

Let’s get an example: Customers with at least 1 order can receive the Review Reminder email.

Full Features List of Follow Up Email

For store admin

  • Turn on/off the module
  • Define the abandoned cart by time
  • Enter sender name of emails
  • Enter sender address
  • Choose copy email method to send
  • Enter recipient of copy emails
  • Clear email log based on time and order status
  • Setup new campaign: Name, status, description, start & end date
  • Create new event: Name, status, description, Event type, Cancel event
  • Allow sending emails to newsletter subscribers only
  • Create new email: name, status, send after,
  • Choose cart price conditions and add coupon code
  • Support showing related products, up-sells, cross-sells

For customers

  • Be notified of their activities
  • Get great shopping experience


Magento 2 Follow Up Email helps generate and send numerous triggered emails based on customer activity to build productive relationships with clients and increase the number of repeated purchases. Customize email templates and effectively manage email dispatch.

Follow Up Email

Follow Up Email for Magento 2

Create automatic email chains for higher conversion rates and better sales

Check it out!

Table of content

    A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.

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