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Shopify Help: Your Ultimate Guide to Getting Assistance

Your Shopify store is your digital storefront and holds incredible potential, along with challenges that require more than just DIY solutions. So when is the right time to seek professional Shopify help?

In this article, we’ll explore the scenarios that call for expert assistance and the types of help available. But before we dive into specifics, let’s start by acknowledging the immense value of professional guidance in your e-commerce journey.

Table of Contents

When Should I Seek Professional Shopify Help?

shopify help

Seeking professional Shopify help is essential when you encounter complex challenges or require specialized assistance that goes beyond your expertise. The specific situations when you should consider hiring a professional Shopify help expert are:

  • Technical Issues: When you encounter technical issues, such as site crashes, payment processing problems, or broken functionalities, a Shopify expert can quickly diagnose and resolve these issues to minimize downtime.
  • Customization and Development: If you need to create custom functionalities, develop custom apps, or heavily customize your store’s theme, it’s advisable to hire a Shopify developer. They have the coding skills and expertise to implement your unique requirements.
  • Theme Design: When you want a bespoke design that aligns with your brand identity, a Shopify designer can create a custom theme tailored to your needs. This ensures your store stands out and provides an exceptional user experience.
  • Migration: If you’re migrating from another e-commerce platform to Shopify, professional help can ensure a seamless transition. A Shopify expert can handle data migration, maintain SEO rankings, and minimize downtime.
  • Performance Optimization: Slow-loading websites can deter customers and harm your SEO rankings. A Shopify expert can optimize your store for speed, enhancing user experience and search engine visibility.
  • SEO Strategy: Improving your store’s search engine rankings is crucial for attracting organic traffic. Shopify SEO specialists can develop and execute an effective SEO strategy, optimizing content, metadata, and site structure.
  • App Integration: Integrating third-party apps or services with your Shopify store can be complex. A Shopify developer can ensure smooth integration and help automate tasks like inventory management, order processing, and marketing.
  • Advanced Marketing: If you want to implement advanced marketing strategies such as email automation, PPC advertising, or conversion rate optimization, hiring a Shopify marketing expert can maximize your ROI.
  • Security Enhancements: Protecting customer data and maintaining a secure store is paramount. A Shopify expert can implement security best practices, conduct security audits, and ensure compliance with industry standards.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: Regular updates, security patches, and maintenance are essential for the long-term health of your store. A Shopify expert can provide ongoing support to keep your store up-to-date and secure.

3 Types of Shopify Help

Official Shopify Support

Official Shopify Support refers to the customer support and assistance services provided directly by Shopify, the e-commerce platform. Shopify offers a range of support options to help merchants using their platform resolve issues, answer questions, and make the most of their online stores.

Shopify Help Center

You can use various ways to have official support from Shopify, including:

  • 24/7 Support: Shopify provides around-the-clock customer support, ensuring that merchants can get assistance at any time, even on weekends and holidays.
  • Email Support: Merchants can contact Shopify support via email for non-urgent inquiries or issues. Responses are typically prompt.
  • Phone Support: Shopify offers phone support for critical issues or more immediate assistance. The availability of phone support may vary based on your Shopify plan and location.
  • Live Chat: Some Shopify plans include access to live chat support, allowing merchants to chat with a support representative in real-time for quick assistance.
  • Shopify Help Center: Shopify maintains an extensive Help Center with detailed articles, guides, and tutorials. This resource is a valuable self-help option, covering a wide range of topics from store setup to advanced customization.
  • Documentation: The documentation includes step-by-step instructions, video tutorials, and screenshots to assist users in resolving issues independently.

Community Forums and Resources

Community Forums

Community forums are online discussion platforms where Shopify users and the broader community can engage in conversations, ask questions, and provide answers related to various aspects of Shopify. Users can actively participate and get Shopify help by posting questions, sharing experiences, and offering advice. The forums foster a sense of community and collaboration.

Shopify Community Forums

Shopify Community Forums cover a wide range of topics, including store setup, theme customization, app recommendations, marketing strategies, technical troubleshooting, and more. Shopify experts, developers, and experienced merchants often frequent these forums, offering valuable insights and solutions to user Shopify help queries.

Users can access the forums at any time, making it a convenient resource for finding answers to pressing questions, even outside of official support hours.


Resources provided by Shopify include various materials and tools designed to help users navigate the platform effectively, learn new skills, and optimize their online stores. Shopify’s resources encompass a wide range of content, including articles, guides, tutorials, video courses, webinars, eBooks, and documentation.

Shopify Resources

Resources aim to educate users and empower them to make informed decisions and take actions that enhance their e-commerce businesses. Resources aim to educate users and empower them to make informed decisions and take actions that enhance their e-commerce businesses.

Resources are typically available online through Shopify’s official website, making them easily accessible to users at their convenience.

Hiring a Shopify Expert

Hiring a Shopify Expert refers to enlisting the services of a qualified and experienced professional who specializes in Shopify development and e-commerce solutions. These experts have in-depth knowledge of the Shopify platform and can provide various services to help merchants optimize their online stores, improve their sales, and enhance their overall e-commerce experience.

Here’s a breakdown of what hiring a Shopify Expert entails:

  • Shopify Specialists: Shopify Experts are individuals or agencies that have demonstrated expertise in working with the Shopify platform. They are well-versed in Shopify’s tools, features, and best practices.
  • Diverse Services: Shopify Experts offer a wide range of services, including store setup, theme design, app development, SEO optimization, marketing strategy, and ongoing support and maintenance.
  • Problem Solving: They can help resolve technical issues, troubleshoot problems, and implement solutions to challenges that may arise during the operation of your online store.
  • Tailored Solutions: Shopify Experts can develop custom features and functionalities for your store, ensuring it align perfectly with your business goals. This may involve writing custom code, designing unique templates, or creating specialized apps.

5 Types of Shopify Experts



Shopify Developers are technical experts who focus on the back-end and front-end development of Shopify stores. They are proficient in coding languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Shopify’s Liquid templating language.

  • Responsibilities: Developers handle tasks such as theme customization, app integration, custom feature development, performance optimization, and troubleshooting technical issues.
  • Benefits: Hiring a Shopify Developer ensures that your online store functions smoothly, loads quickly, and offers unique functionalities.


Shopify Designers specialize in creating visually appealing and user-friendly store designs. They have expertise in graphic design, user interface (UI) design, and user experience (UX) design.

  • Responsibilities: Designers work on elements like store layout, color schemes, typography, imagery, and overall aesthetics to create an attractive and intuitive shopping experience.
  • Benefits: A well-designed Shopify store enhances brand identity, engages visitors, and contributes to higher conversion rates.


Shopify Marketers focus on promoting your store and driving traffic, conversions, and sales. They have expertise in digital marketing channels, including social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and paid advertising.

  • Responsibilities: Marketers create and implement marketing strategies, manage advertising campaigns, analyze customer behavior, and optimize marketing efforts to boost ROI.
  • Benefits: Effective marketing strategies can increase brand visibility, attract potential customers, and grow your store’s revenue.

E-commerce Consultants


E-commerce Consultants provide strategic guidance and recommendations for overall business and store optimization. They have a deep understanding of e-commerce trends, industry best practices, and business strategy.

  • Responsibilities: Consultants assess your store’s performance, identify opportunities for improvement, and provide advice on areas such as product selection, pricing, customer retention, and expansion.
  • Benefits: E-commerce Consultants help you make informed decisions, align your business with industry trends, and achieve long-term growth.

SEO Specialist

SEO Specialists focus on optimizing your store for search engines to improve organic search visibility. They are experts in keyword research, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and SEO tools.

  • Responsibilities: SEO Specialists work on optimizing product descriptions, meta tags, site structure, backlinks, and other factors that influence search engine rankings.
  • Benefits: Improved SEO results in higher search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and enhanced online visibility.

Where to Find Shopify Experts

  • Freelance Platforms:

Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Toptal have a vast pool of freelance Shopify Experts. You can browse profiles, review portfolios, and read client reviews to find experienced professionals. These platforms offer flexibility in terms of project scope and budget.

where to hire developer

  • E-commerce Forums and Communities:

E-commerce forums and communities like Shopify Community Forums, Reddit’s r/shopify, and e-commerce-focused Facebook groups are excellent places to seek recommendations and advice. Members often share their experiences and suggest Shopify Experts they have worked with.

  • Social Media Platforms:

Platforms like Twitter and GitHub are used by developers and experts to share their knowledge and insights. Engaging with Shopify Experts on social media can lead to valuable connections and recommendations.

  • Job Posting Platforms:

Platforms like Indeed, LinkedIn Jobs, and specialized job boards for e-commerce and Shopify professionals allow you to post job listings for specific roles. This approach can attract experts actively seeking opportunities.

  • E-commerce Agencies:

Many e-commerce agencies specialize in Shopify development, design, and marketing services. These agencies often have teams of experts who can handle various aspects of your Shopify store.

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Read more: Shopify Developer: What, Why, and How to Hire

Slow Page Load Times

Slow-loading pages can lead to high bounce rates and lower conversions. To address this issue:

  • Optimize images: Compress and resize images to reduce their file size.
  • Minimize code: Remove unnecessary code, and consider using code minification tools.
  • Use content delivery networks (CDNs): CDNs can distribute content to servers closer to your customers, reducing load times.

Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment occurs when customers add items to their cart but don’t complete the purchase. To combat this issue:

  • Implement cart abandonment emails: Send automated emails with incentives to encourage customers to return and complete their purchases.
  • Simplify the checkout process: Remove unnecessary steps and forms to make checkout quick and easy.
  • Offer multiple payment options: Provide various payment methods to accommodate customer preferences.

Payment Gateway Errors

Payment gateway issues can prevent customers from making purchases. To troubleshoot:

  • Verify payment gateway settings: Ensure your payment gateway is properly configured and integrated.
  • Test payments: Make small test purchases to identify and resolve any errors.
  • Contact the payment gateway provider: Reach out to the payment gateway’s support team for assistance.

Theme Compatibility

Sometimes, themes may not display correctly or may have compatibility issues with certain apps. To address this:

  • Check for theme updates: Ensure your theme is up to date, as updates may resolve compatibility issues.
  • Disable conflicting apps: Temporarily deactivate apps to identify if any are causing conflicts with your theme.

SEO and Search Visibility

If your store isn’t appearing in search engine results, it can impact traffic and sales. To troubleshoot:

  • Optimize SEO settings: Review and update meta titles, descriptions, and alt text for images.
  • Create high-quality content: Produce valuable content that aligns with relevant keywords.
  • Submit a sitemap: Submit your store’s sitemap to search engines like Google using Google Search Console.

Inventory Management

Keeping track of inventory levels is crucial to avoid overselling or running out of stock. To manage inventory effectively:

  • Set up inventory alerts: Use Shopify’s inventory alerts to receive notifications when stock levels are low.
  • Implement backorder or pre-order options: Allow customers to purchase items that are temporarily out of stock.

Mobile Responsiveness

With many shoppers using mobile devices, ensuring your store is mobile-responsive is vital. To troubleshoot mobile issues:

  • Test on various devices: Check how your store appears and functions on different mobile devices.
  • Use mobile-friendly themes: Choose or customize themes that are responsive and mobile-friendly.

App Compatibility

Installing incompatible or poorly coded apps can lead to issues. To troubleshoot:

  • Review app compatibility: Ensure that the apps you install are compatible with your theme and other installed apps.
  • Check for app updates: Keep apps up to date to benefit from bug fixes and improvements.

Security Concerns

Protecting customer data and your store’s security is paramount. To address security issues:

  • Enable SSL: Ensure your store has an SSL certificate to secure data transmission.
  • Use strong passwords: Regularly update passwords and use two-factor authentication for added security.

Customer Support

Providing excellent customer support is crucial for resolving issues and maintaining customer satisfaction.

  • Offer multiple support channels: Provide options for customers to contact you, such as email, chat, or a help center.
  • Respond promptly: Address customer inquiries and concerns in a timely manner to build trust.

Tips for Having Effective Assistance

Preparing for Support

  • Gather Information: Before reaching out for assistance, collect relevant information about the issue you’re experiencing. This may include error messages, order numbers, app names, and specific details about the problem.
  • Test Thoroughly: If applicable, replicate the issue and make note of the steps you took to encounter the problem. Testing thoroughly can help the support provider understand the issue better.
  • Check for Updates: Ensure that your Shopify store, theme, and apps are up to date. Sometimes, issues are resolved with software updates.

Clear Communication

  • Provide Context: When describing the issue, offer context about your store setup, recent changes, or any relevant background information. The more context you provide, the easier it is for the support provider to diagnose the problem.
  • Use Clear Language: Avoid technical jargon unless you’re confident the support provider is familiar with it. Use plain language to describe the issue and any error messages.
  • Be Concise: While providing details is important, be concise in your explanations. Avoid unnecessary information that could distract from the core issue.

Asking Questions

  • Ask for Clarification: If the support provider uses technical terms or concepts you don’t understand, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. A good provider will be happy to explain.
  • Ask for Next Steps: After the issue is diagnosed or resolved, ask what your next steps should be. This might involve implementing a solution or monitoring the situation.
  • Ask for Documentation: If the solution involves specific actions or changes on your end, request documentation or step-by-step instructions to follow.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Scams and unreliable services are unfortunately common in various industries, especially in the digital age. It’s essential to be aware of these potential risks and take steps to protect yourself from falling victim to scams or receiving subpar services. 

  • Fake Online Stores: Scammers create fake websites that mimic legitimate e-commerce sites. They may offer enticing deals on popular products. To avoid this:
    • Always purchase from reputable and well-known online retailers.
    • Check the website’s URL for typos or unusual domain names.
    • Look for contact information, such as a physical address and phone number.
  • Phishing Emails: Scammers send phishing emails with links to fake e-commerce websites. These emails often look like they come from trusted companies. Protect yourself by:
    • Avoid clicking on suspicious links in emails.
    • Verifying the sender’s email address and domain.
    • Contact the company directly through their official website or customer service if you receive an unsolicited email.
  • Counterfeit Products: Some online sellers offer counterfeit or low-quality products while claiming them to be genuine. To steer clear of this:
    • Read product reviews and ratings.
    • Buy from authorized retailers or brand websites.
    • Be cautious of prices that seem too good to be true.
  • Payment Scams: Scammers may ask for payment outside of the platform’s secure payment system or request unconventional payment methods. Protect your financial information by:
    • Using secure and reputable payment methods.
    • Avoiding wire transfers or cryptocurrency payments unless you’re confident in the seller’s legitimacy.
  • Unreliable Delivery and Tracking: Some sellers may delay shipments, provide fake tracking numbers, or never deliver the purchased items. To minimize the risk:
    • Check the seller’s shipping and return policies.
    • Use tracking services provided by the e-commerce platform.
    • Report issues promptly to the platform’s customer support.
  • Data Breaches: E-commerce platforms can be vulnerable to data breaches, which can expose your personal and financial information. Protect your data by:
    • Use strong, unique passwords for each online account.
    • Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) when available.
    • Monitoring your financial statements for unauthorized transactions.
  • Read Reviews and Ratings: Look for product reviews and seller ratings on the e-commerce platform. Pay attention to feedback from other customers about their experiences with the seller and the product.
  • Research the Seller: Investigate the seller’s history and reputation. Check for any negative feedback or reports of scams associated with the seller.
  • Secure Your Device: Ensure your computer or mobile device is protected with up-to-date antivirus and anti-malware software to reduce the risk of encountering phishing attempts and malicious websites.
  • Use Trusted E-commerce Platforms: Stick to well-known, reputable e-commerce platforms with established buyer protection policies.


When it comes to Shopify, seeking professional assistance becomes necessary when facing complex challenges or requiring specialized expertise beyond your own. Remember that Shopify offers official support services, including 24/7 assistance, email support, phone support, live chat, and a comprehensive Help Center, which can be excellent starting points for resolving issues.

From technical issues and customization needs to theme design and SEO optimization, Shopify experts can provide invaluable support to ensure the success of your online store. To navigate the e-commerce landscape safely, it’s essential for you to be aware of potential scams and unreliable services.

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