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How to Reduce Abandoned Carts by Magento 2 Shipping Cost extension

Vinh Jacker | 12-09-2019

How to Reduce Abandoned Carts by Magento 2 Shipping Cost extension How to Reduce Abandoned Carts by Magento 2 Shipping Cost extension

The Most Popular Extension Builder for Magento 2

With a big catalog of 224+ extensions for your online store

Have you ever quit your purchase just because of the extra fee of shipping cost charged on the checkout page? The thing is, you haven’t expected about that amount before you jump to the last step since there is no pre-notification from the website. That is exactly what happened to a large number of shoppers and online-sellers.

In this blog, we are going to analyze the best solution for Magento 2 stores to reduce this unnecessary type of abandoned cart: Magento 2 Shipping Cost extension.

Main Contents

How does Shipping Cost module work?

Where do you, as an online shopper, expect to view your shipping cost for specific items and even for your whole cart?

Shipping Cost supports a smart Shipping Estimator right on the Product Page. Customers definitely can preview the shipping fee for the current item, or click to “Include items in the cart” to watch the final shipping cost for your whole cart.

How does Shipping Cost module work

In terms of working mechanism, the shipping amount will be calculated based on certain conditions that admins configure at the module backend. For example, they can choose to show shipping costs estimated for only physical products, single item or new products.

For setting more complex and flexible shipping cases, you can download the Shipping Rules extension.


Shipping Rules for Magento 2

Configure shipping methods, rates, timeframe, & visibility based on weights, values, destination, SKU, and others

Check it out!

Why Shipping Cost is the best way to avoid cart abandonment?

Show clear information on additional shipping cost

As mentioned above, the Shipping Cost module supports customers to have the most and accurate information on their shipping cost for one item or all items in cart. Customers can freely check the extra fee that they might have to pay if they buy specific products or checkout for their current shopping cart.

Build stores transparency

Build stores transparency and trust

As a consequence of the clear notification to customers, Magento 2 stores can gain their trust and love. Customers are likely to be socked at the checkout page if they see the shipping cost which sometimes is even higher than the product value. And surely, they are likely to abandon their cart at that moment.

However, with this module, you can notify shoppers about the extra fee beforehand, which creates a feeling of trust and transparency in your stores. Since you keep things clearly right at the beginning, customers are happy and ready to come back on you for the next and next time.

Extra fee

Extra Fee for Magento 2

Diversify extra services to your Magento 2 checkout page with the Extra Fee extension

Check it out!

Quick and straight forward shopping journey

It is no doubt that shoppers love a straight forward purchase. In this case, Shipping Cost contributes to lessening their shopping journey since it provides them clear info of their must-pay shipping fee. Thanks to that, customers are happy to jump to the checkout page and no need to reconsider the money paid any more.

Highlight Features of Shipping Cost extension

Estimated shipping cost on Product Page

Estimated shipping cost

Shipping cost in Magento default is shown only at the checkout page. With this extension, shoppers can view the shipping method along with its corresponding shipping rate. By this, they know the additional cost before placing orders. This helps save shopping time and reduce cart abandonment at the checkout page.

There are two positions for shipping cost displayed at Product Page. It can be either below the Product Description or in the additional tab. Admins can flexibly choose a suitable place to put these shipping costs so that customers can view it clearly.

Shipping cost based on customers’ IP

Shipping cost based on customers’ IP

Normally, shipping cost is calculated based on shipping address which requires customers to leave their address manually at the store. However, with this module, GeoIP function is integrated which helps stores to auto-detect customers’ addresses. This feature can save a lot of time for both buyers and sellers.

In order to integrate GeoIP function, you can download it free here.

Display shipping calculator at certain pages

shipping calculator at certain pages

By Shipping Cost, admins can choose to apply the shipping calculator using catalog rules. Some of the configurable sections are:

  • Product SKU
  • Product Attribute
  • Category
  • Others For instance, admin can totally put shipping costs at new products only. Customers who navigate to this page can see how much they need to pay more for their orders with ease.

Change address forms via Popup or Inline

Change address forms

Another function of Shipping Cost module is supporting shoppers to edit their address information right at the product page via Popup or Inline form.

Data they can modify are:

  • Country
  • Zipcode
  • State/Region

After clicking on Change Adress, customers can see a popup or inline form with their all

Also, all the options of a field in address form are displayed in the drop-down box. Customers can quickly select them without typing. This helps fasten shopping experience and may convert more sales for Magento 2 stores relatively.

All functions of Shipping Cost module

For store admins

  • Turn on/off the module at backend
  • Set the title for shipping calculator
  • Enter the description for shipping calculator
  • Leave a notification if no available shipping method
  • Choose countries for applying Shipping Cost plugin
  • Choose the place to show the shipping calculator
  • Choose the address fields shown on the form
  • Allow showing popup to edit shipping address
  • Set conditions for applying shipping estimator at certain product pages
  • Specify the default address at frontend

For customers

  • Preview shipping cost on the Product Page
  • Know shipping cost for the whole cart
  • Save time for making decision

Final words

Via this blog, we hope that you can have a great solution for reducing cart abandonment thanks to Magento 2 Shipping Cost. By this, your Magento 2 stores can show the shipping methods and corresponding fees right on the Product Page. Hence, shoppers can quickly estimate the fee including shipping cost and checkout smoothly.

Shipping Cost

Shipping Cost for Magento 2

Allow customers to quickly check delivery methods available and estimate the shipping cost for each one

Check it out!

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    With over a decade of experience crafting innovative tech solutions for ecommerce businesses built on Magento, Jacker is the mastermind behind our secure and well-functioned extensions. With his expertise in building user-friendly interfaces and robust back-end systems, Mageplaza was able to deliver exceptional Magento solutions and services for over 122K+ customers around the world.

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