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Top 6 benefits of an optimized Thank You Page

Summer Nguyen | 01-18-2019

Top 6 benefits of an optimized Thank You Page Top 6 benefits of an optimized Thank You Page

The Most Popular Extension Builder for Magento 2

With a big catalog of 224+ extensions for your online store


One of the first things we learn as little kids is always to say “thank you.” If someone does you a favor, if you’re given a gift, saying thank you is just good manners. However, a “thanks” from online stores to customers now become a wise marketing strategy which every business should take an eye into it. Therefore, in this blog, we would like to talk about the benefits of an optimized Thank You Page for Magento 2 that will bring a lot of advantages to business doers.

Amazing benefits of an optimized Thank You Page

Provide customers with an overview of their orders

First and foremost, a Thank You Page supports stating the order summary of the items that customers have purchased successfully. In this field, shoppers can view product type, quantity, and price as well as shipping and payment method. By this, your buyers can have a check and make sure that there is no issue with their orders. All the left things they need to is waiting for delivery.

Obtain customers’ data by newsletter subscription

Another benefit that online stores can take from a Thank You Page is that it may support subscription invitation. For customers have checkout but not log in or sign in to the sites when checking out, this page is the last chances that may attract customers to leave their information. Therefore, every updated news, events, promotion or loyalty programs will be informed to customers on time. Moreover, this is also the bridge to maintain the relationship between stores and customers

Express the thanks and professional services

As its name, this tool firstly helps online stores show their thanks to customers who have trusted and spent time and effort on their products. Besides, this thanks also proves that your stores always care to customers. In other words, it represents professional customer care.

Boost traffic by allowing referring to friends

Store admins definitely can expect for a Social share function displayed on Thank You page. This allows customers to share the joy of shopping with friends and relatives via Social network like Facebook, Twitter. Naturally, your customers become marketers of your sites without the extra fee.

Actively suggesting customers buy more is a wise strategy within the competitive e-commerce industry today. E-stores can use related-products by listing your customers the items that they may also like right on the Thank You page. The main benefits of the suggesting of the related or supplement products include increased sales revenue, improve customer satisfaction and in B2B businesses, increased Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) through deeper integration in business.

Encourage customers to shop more by offering them coupons

At the last stage of the purchase process, customers can still be motivated to explore the other items if you offer them coupons. They are likely to extend their shopping budgets since no one can resist of discount.

Highlight features

Easily Customizable Success Page

With Thank You Page extension, stores’ admins can customize the success pages including Order Success Page and Newsletter Success Page at the backend.

More details, this module allows admins to set the Page title, Page sub-title and Page description. Particularly, the design of the page can be optimized beautifully using the selecting eye-catching available styles. Noticeably, the pages are allowed to add more extra blocks such as Order Details, Social Sharing with certain purposes of admins.

Easily Customizable Success Page

Show order information after successful purchase

Helping customers to have an overview of products that they have made purchase with, this module support adding an extra block of Order Details in Thank You Page.

Here your customers can review all check out details such as order number, total amount, billing address, shipping, and payment method, as well as products with link and image are displayed clearly on the page. This helps your customers make sure about their exact order and pleased to wait for the delivery.

Show order information after successful purchase

Share orders via Social button

Thank You Page module allows your customers to share their favored items that they have purchased through Social network like Facebook, Twitter, Google+. There will be chosen Social buttons displayed on the Thank You Page, right under the Notification of successful purchase.

By this, your site looks more trusted and at the same time attract more visitors then boost the traffic and conversion rate.

Share orders via Social button

One noticeable feature should not be missed in this extension is cross-selling support. Admin can choose the related items that customers may also like on the Thank You Page. This will promote customers to shop more and consequently up your sales.

Support Auto-related products

Offer auto-generated coupons

By being offered coupons at thank you page, customers will be encouraged to continue shopping even on the last stage of their purchase process. Regarding this, the thank-you page becomes the ideal page to place promotion programs efficiently.

Offer auto-generated coupons

Display the FAQs block to help customers get more information

Another “caring” feature of Thank You Page extension is adding FAQ blocks to support customers significantly and quickly to find out the related already-answer questions. Customers are supported with adequate information and do not worry about their orders.

This section also expresses the profession and good care service of stores in the last step of customer’s purchasing.

Display the FAQs block

Full features list

For store owners

General Configuration

  • Enable/ Disable the module
  • Apply module for specific customer groups
  • Use API key for adding social share buttons

Order Success Page

  • Enable/Disable the page
  • Insert route to the page URL
  • Choose the template style for this page
  • Enable editing template styles
  • Insert title for the page
  • Add subtitle for the page
  • Add attributes to the page description
  • Show/ Hide Continue Shopping button
  • Select main blocks displayed on the page (Order Details, Social Sharing, Coupon, Register Account Form, Subscribe Email Form)
  • Allow showing 2 static blocks
  • Display Coupon Block
  • Display Slider Block
  • Display FAQs Block

Newsletter Success Page

  • Enable/ Disable the page
  • Add route to the page URL
  • Select template style for the page
  • Add a title for the page
  • Add subtitle for the page
  • Add attributes to the page description via insert variables
  • Show/Hide Coupon and/or Social Sharing blocks
  • Select to display 1 Static Block
  • Select Product Slider to display on the page
  • Custom CSS for design block freely
  • Display Coupon Block: Add rule from Cart Price Rule/ coupon pattern/ coupon label
  • Display FAQs Block: Select category to display FAQs, set FAQs number restriction

For customers

  • -Preview all the information of products
  • Share the order to friends via social networks
  • Be offered with current coupons and related products
  • Be provided already-answered questions.
  • Be updated news and promotions by newsletters
  • Have better user experience after purchase

Final Words

Are you leaving money on the table with your thank you page? Thank you Pages are often thrown together as an afterthought, yet they have huge potential for nurturing leads and increasing sales. Thank You Page extension for Magento 2 is a supportive extension which beautifies the notice page of successful orders with the more attractive look and adds extra useful information and more.

thank you page

Thank You Page for Magento 2

Show gratitude for customers, strengthening the relationship between buyers and sellers

Check it out!

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    A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.

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