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Optimize your online store with custom Magento extensions

Summer Nguyen | 09-09-2022

Optimize your online store with custom Magento extensions Optimize your online store with custom Magento extensions

The Most Popular Extension Builder for Magento 2

With a big catalog of 224+ extensions for your online store

Magento is a popular and flexible e-commerce platform that provides out-of-box features. If the default platform is not enough for users’ demands, they can access community-developed extensions on Magento Marketplace to find suitable solutions for their online stores. However, demand varies, and each merchant needs different solutions to succeed. Hence, to optimize Magento 2 stores, a popular choice is to customize pre-built extensions.

In this post, let’s discover all about how to optimize your store with custom Magento extensions.

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Magento extensions or Custom modules

As the default Magento 2 comes with a lot of limitations, online merchants tend to install extensions provided by vendors to reduce costs in building their solutions. However, these ready-made extensions may result in incompatibility issues or lack of essential functionality, which makes them later customize the modules. Let’s compare these two options:

Magento extensions Custom Magento modules
Suitable for New and small e-commerce stores Expanding e-commerce stores that need more complex features
Requirement fulfilment Get extra features selected and packed by the extension provider Instead of a one-fits-all extension, now you can make the extension according to your requirements.
Quality Controlled quality as per extension provider Be responsible for your own modules
Price Quite low Higher price
(maybe varied based on the custom requirements)
Time Can use immediately Have to wait for the development
Support Support & maintenance service fee is usually included Pay for extra support & maintenance service

Benefits of custom Magento extensions service

As per the above comparison table, it can be seen that whether using Magento extensions or customizing those extensions depends on each store’s needs. You can custom extensions on your own, or select extension customization service due to lots of benefits:

  • Better consultation: Compared to self-custom extensions, extensions custom by professional service means you can ask experts to handle what you can’t do. Due to the experience, developers know exactly what you need and can consult what suits you the most.
  • Save on development costs: There is no need to build an in-house development team to take care of these tasks.
  • Professional quality: You may experience quality risks if your team develops extra features. However, by using the service, you can seek consistent and standardized coding from experienced providers.
  • Easy to optimize: The customization may happen more than once, so this service can help these modules be flexible enough to be optimized in the future.

Types of custom extensions

There are different types of extensions that online merchants may want to customize:

  • Checkout modules
  • Order management extensions
  • Product management extensions
  • Shipping solutions
  • Sales & Marketing modules
  • SEO tools
  • Analytics modules
  • Payment integrations
  • B2B administration tools

Of course, the list is still long, as you can modify almost any extension for your needs. However, if you want to combine multiple functions into one extension or make any adjustment, you need to consider various criteria.

What to look for when customizing Magento extensions

Customization method

There are many ways for businesses to customize their extensions. According to Adobe, developers can take different paths to enhance existing behaviours:

  • Plugins: These interceptors enable businesses to modify internal logic and make changes to the majority of public functions.
  • Observers: Custom code is made to run in response to a particular event. Although the site already has a lot of events, you may also add your own unique events.
  • Dependency Injection: Existing classes can be overridden and extended.

Magento installation

Several problems can arise while adding a new custom extension to a Magento installation. Think about all of the possible costs associated with maintenance and problem-solving in the future. This might happen if you do not select the right module. Avoid this risk by carefully choosing modules that meet Magento coding standards and best practices.

Magento version updates

A huge problem is with platform version changes. Policies may change abruptly, therefore, it is hard to predict when module maintenance and support end. Once Magento updates its version, businesses should ask themselves if there are any code conflicts to be fixed or whether the modules are updated along with the version. It is highly recommended that you should look for verified providers and long-term support.

Quality testing

Testing can cost more expenses and labour, but it is essential to take the test. In this way, you can avoid possible risks and find methods to optimize your module.

Technical support

Either because of new extension version updates or other reasons, upgrading to a newer version is a huge decision. Keep in mind that with a proper technical support policy, it is easier to make decisions on platform switches.

Magento 2 Extension Customization Service by Mageplaza

Magento 2 Extension Customization Servic

Mageplaza Custom Magento Extensions Service is perfect if:

  • You need to modify an available feature of the extension
  • You install third-party modules and want them to be compatible with the extension
  • You want to develop a completely new feature or attribute

Either you’re a merchant and want to customize your extensions to fit your needs, or you’re an organization and want to develop your own custom extensions to sell on the market, Mageplaza can help. Our customization service can take your concerns away:

  • Experienced developers: With 8+ years of experience in the Magento industry, Mageplaza is proud to have excellent developers that can take care of any e-commerce concerns. All you need to do is discuss your needs with us, and our developers will handle the rest.
  • High-quality code base: We always ensure that our code base follows Magento coding standards. In addition, you don’t need to worry about compatibility issues or quality testing, as we have a complete process for these steps.
  • Flexible demand-based pricing options: Costs may vary depending on your requirements; therefore, feel free to contact us and discuss a suitable package.
  • Clear development process: Regardless of the scale and complexity, all custom modules need to follow a detailed development and QA process made by us. This procedure ensures consistent quality and exact timeline.
  • Dedicated support: Our support team is online up to 16 hours a day to help you solve all your problems and concerns.

Looking for
Customization Services?

Fix your problems in many ways - from compatibility to feature modification and customization

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The bottom line

Although Magento is a highly flexible platform with a rich extension ecosystem, there is still high demand for extra extensions and customizing them according to your needs. In case you do not want to spend a fortune in developing those modules within your team, asking developers to customize Magento extensions is a great choice.

This post hopefully gives you ideas on how to optimize your Magento extensions. If you want to learn more about our service, feel free to leave your contact details, and we will reach you shortly.

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    A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.

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