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14 Marketing Tip to Drive Traffics for New Entrepreneurs

Brian Tran | 03-18-2020

14 Marketing Tip to Drive Traffics for New Entrepreneurs 14 Marketing Tip to Drive Traffics for New Entrepreneurs

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As a new entrepreneur that has probably just opened a blog or a website for your business, it is important that you are able to get people to read your content and drive traffic to your blog/website. But how do you do this?

There are a lot of tried and tested methods that will help you rake in the traffic to your blog. Every seasoned blogger that you know was in your shoes at some point, where they opened the blog and started thinking of what to do to get people to read their content and drive traffic for them. So, if they can go from that point to where they are today, then you can absolutely do the same by following the same steps that they took.

Strategies for driving traffic may be stressful to keep up with at some point. As a matter of fact, I should state clearly that these strategies do not bring instant hits. So, if you are looking for steps or strategies to have a million readers in 24 hours, you are at the wrong place. These strategies can be time-taking and painstaking. They will require you to be persistent and consistent at it while it offers results in bits and pieces. But after a while, you’ll notice that you have more readers and greater traffics over time till you become that big or seasoned blogger you call others today. For the purpose of this post, we will be discussing 14 marketing tips that will help you to drive traffic to your website.

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1. Create contents that can be shared

Create content that is smart and valuable
Create content that is smart and valuable

The type of content which you create is a big determinant of how much traffic you will have and how soon it will take you to start driving in huge traffic to your website. You do not want to start out with producing the same type of content that other blogs produce. There is no way you will stand out doing that, and secondly, it already suggests that you are short on contents to deliver from the very early stage of your blog. This could create a bad impression with people that read it.

Creating content is beyond just having a list of topics and writing 500 or 1000 word articles about the topics. According to a content strategist from, you have to ensure that there is some depth in your content, something that actually adds value to the reader that they can be proud to have read. Firstly, this will make sure that they come back to read your posts. Humans can be selfish at times and no one will be willing to simply let go of a blog post that has provided them with resume help and has added value to them. They want more. And as they read more and more, they share these contents with their friends and audience online. This way your content can become viral easily because it is in-depth and valuable. This will also help you to rank higher in the Google search engine. Be consistent at providing content like this and it’s only a short while before there is congestion on your blog.

2. Learn how to use SEO

Learn how to use SEO
Learn how to use SEO

As someone new in the business, one of the first things you should learn is the use of target keywords to boost your SEO. Now that you know the type of content to create, you should add some keywords to your content so that when people search for those keywords, your site will be ranked for it.

These target keywords should be included in the headline of your article and throughout the body as well. You should also use synonyms to the keywords and ensure that you have a URL that is SEO-friendly. Optimizing your content for the search engines will ensure that you rank well on Google SERPs, and when people search for the keywords, they will find your website and click on it for the information that they need.

3. Use long-tail keywords

Use long-tail keywords
Use long-tail keywords

For a new entrepreneur, long-tail keywords are very useful for you especially since you will be looking to increase your domain authority. Bigger websites such as Facebook ad Amazon doesn’t need keywords like this because they already have strong domain authority.

Domain authority is a ranking score from search engines ranging from 1-100 based on popularity, age and size, and which helps to predict how well or how poorly a site will rank in the search engine results pages. New websites like yours, will be ranked 1 while the bigger and more popular sites will be ranked close to 100. Your domain authority score automatically increases as your website grows.

For a new website with a poor domain authority score, there is no way you can compete with the bigger brands for keywords. But long-tail keywords ensure that you are noticed too. For instance, instead of using a popular keyword like “business plan,” you can use a long-tail variant such as “develop your business plan.”

4. Leverage on guest posting

Leverage on guest posting
Leverage on guest posting

Posting your content to an audience that is already established can only do you a world of good. The difficulty in it, however, is getting the popular blogs in your niche to accept your guest post, especially at the beginning. You can’t blame them. You need to understand first, that they need to be sure that whatever content is going to be upon their blog must add some value to their audience. Secondly, chances are that you are not the only new guy that wants to write a guest post for them. The competition is stiff. So, you need to do all you can to stand out.

Naturally, you will get late or no responses and rejections at the start. But once you are able to write for one of the blogs, and the readers are convinced about your assignment writing help, it will help your blog grow too.

A very popular way to grow your content is to add links to articles by other brands or people that are authorities in your niche. Before you publish a post on your blog, be sure to add external links (as much as possible). You can add the websites that were useful as sources for your article or add other ones that explain further ideas and concepts you mentioned in your article.

Then you can send them an email informing them that you featured them in your post. They should give a positive response, then ask them if they can share it with their audience on Twitter, Facebook, etc. this will draw traffic to your website. You should be smart enough to not end the relationship there. Follow them up, keep featuring them and ask if they would accept a guest post from you.

6. Connect to thought leaders

Connect to thought leaders
Connect to thought leaders

Reaching out to seasoned entrepreneurs, bloggers and leaders in your industry and connecting with them is a smart way to connect to a newer audience and increase your traffic. You will definitely learn a thing or two that will be useful for you by speaking with these guys but by promoting their story and building a relationship with them, you’re already digging for gold.

7. Host webinars

Hosting webinars ensures that you are able to connect with the influencers in your niche and also audience from other blogs and websites as they all come together to educate, chat and learn from your webinar. This will help drive traffic to your website.

In order to host a webinar, you need to first choose a topic you are very familiar with and knowledgeable about and is also related to the topics on your blog. One good thing about webinars is that the people attending the webinar usually bring a part of their audience too. So, you have a chance to pass the message of your startup to a new audience. In the meantime, you can also consider sending SMS alerts or email notifications to that your audience doesn’t miss the webinar.

8. Join online communities focused on your niche

Join online communities focused on your niche
Join online communities focused on your niche

There are a lot of communities online for the different niches where you can connect with people that have been in the business much longer than you have and have the experience and audience that you need. Irrespective of your niche, there is a community waiting for you online. An example of such a community is the Business 2 Community. In this community, you can engage with articles from other blogs and engage with seasoned business professionals. As a matter of fact, they encourage their members to leverage this platform to increase their exposure and establish themselves.

9. Get a column in a publication

Although this is not a very common strategy, it is an important one to help you drive traffic to your website or blog. What you need to do is to find a publication that is relevant to your niche and has a good amount of readers and try to land a column in that publication where you can share your content.

It might be difficult for you to land a column in publications by big brands since you are still new and very unknown. So, you should focus on other smaller publications that are specific to your niche and also has a good amount of audience. This will go a long way in connecting your blog with people who might be interested in checking it out. Creating a network of interested readers helps to build your brand, drives traffic and also increases the domain authority of your website.

10. Publish quotes from industry influencers

While making research for your content or an article, it might be a good idea for you to reach out to influencers in your industry or people that are experts and authorities in that field you are writing on. Ask them certain questions, and as they answer, you will be able to pick out enough wisdom from their responses. You could as well just ask them directly for a quote about that field which you could add to your article.

Then, make a compilation of all the quotes and advice from these people into an article on its own. An example of such an article is “15 best advice from top entrepreneur to help you become successful.”

It is possible too that some of the influencers you reach out to do not respond. It is normal. Just stick to the few that responded and get their contributions.

11. Carry out paid social media campaigns

Carry out paid social media campaigns
Carry out paid social media campaigns

There is no way you are increasing the traffic on your site without people even knowing about the existence of the website. You need to get your website in people’s faces, and one of the best ways to do it is with paid ads on social media and other platforms.

If you are having doubts about the effectiveness of social media campaigns, you should consider that Facebook has 1.65 billion users monthly, making it the biggest social network. With this number of users, there are countless opportunities for people to see your website and therefore increase the traffic. Facebook also has an advertising platform that helps you target certain users based on their location, interest, behavior, etc. you can leverage all of this to drive traffic to your website.

12. Leverage influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is growing faster and is becoming more important for entrepreneurs to get themselves and their products out to their target audience. It involves relating with influencers (people with a large following on social media) to help pass across your website to their audience.

This strategy works more effectively for online stores as the influencers can easily advertise the store’s products on their platform, making the store is known to thousands of people at the same time, which can help to increase traffic on the website.

13. Build online publicity with giveaways and contests

If there is any short-term method for driving traffic to a site, it has to be this strategy here. By creating or sponsoring giveaways and online viral contests, you can ensure that there is a momentary boost in the amount of traffic on your website. All you have to do is to put up exciting prizes for the winners but to qualify for the prizes, participants have to visit your website. With powerful incentives and rewards on offer, people would jump on the chance to win. After all, it does not cost them much to visit your website and go through your content. If you’re an online store, purchasing one of your products should be a criterion. Contests like this will increase your popularity, awareness, and traffic in a short time.

14. Offline marketing

While many things can be done online, we tend to forget that we have a life offline too and we can bring it into play. As an entrepreneur, you should attend offline shows and events that relate to your industry. This actually helps to build an awareness of who you are and what your brand is about. You also get a chance to meet new people and connect with them. These people could end up adding to the number of readers you have.

You also have friends and families. Employ their services in helping you publicize your website. Let them share your content with their social media platforms too. That way, you reach more people in less time and increase traffic to your site.


There is no short cut to growing your website and increasing traffic. It is painstaking and requires perseverance. But it is definitely worth it and you will see this over time.

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    Senior Magento Developer who is passionate about development and love technology

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