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How to Find a Magento Programmer for Your Startup?

Because of the rapid technological advancement, the area of e-commerce is continuously evolving and developing. Every day there are more and more new trends that you need to adapt to avoid falling behind. As far as top e-commerce platforms go, Magento hands far the finest and most popular choice for setting up an online store. This system powers the websites of well-known brands, including Jaguar, Land Rover, Christian Louboutin, Barbour, and Olympus.

find magento programmer
How to find a Magento programmer?

If you have chosen Magento as your startup’s platform, you will have to deal with the issue of finding skilled developers. It appears that the system provides enough ready-made design packages and many features that you may learn on your own. However, it is best not to create websites on this platform without the proper assistance of professionals. Although Magento is currently the leading tool for starting and maintaining an online business, it is not without its challenges. It is where a Magento consultant and Magento developer come in handy. Consultants can give a thorough project strategy, while engineers can swiftly and efficiently implement your startup.

In this article, we will learn about Magento and how it works as a development platform. We’d also want to share some tips on hiring qualified personnel and what skills define a Magento expert.

What Is Magento?

Magento is a powerful PHP-based open-source e-commerce platform. This software allows you to establish a variety of online businesses. More than 250,000 online stores have been launched on the platform since its debut in 2008. Furthermore, Magento has a 30% share of the e-commerce market compared to other platforms.

The system has a solid structure, it’s bug-free and well-coordinated. Magento has thousands of extensions and a wide range of design options. Large organizations choose it for a reason: websites built on this platform can handle up to 350 million visits and 500 thousand orders per day.

what is magento
What is Magento?

Magento, unlike other e-commerce platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce, necessitates the assistance of experienced developers. It’s rather okay. Beginners choose systems like Shopify and BigCommerce because they are simple to learn, but this is not the ultimate solution for your business’s long-term growth. Magento, in turn, provides significant opportunities for the expansion and development of your company that may be put into action by developers.

Benefits of Using Magento

  • Flexibility in startup development: You may start with basic functionality and expand your project later by integrating a variety of new features.
  • There are a lot of templates: Magento features a large number of themes, both free and premium. Plus, these templates are versatile, meaning they may be used on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Decent search engine optimization: Your website will appear on the top page of the search results, thanks to Magento. It is possible since search engines respond positively to this platform.
  • Convenient platform structure: With this system, you can easily edit content, publish new information, and manage multiple websites at once.
  • Great catalog capabilities: The template management system is very adaptable, allowing you to construct a user-friendly site with customization options.
  • Opportunity for analytics: Generating reports with Magento is easy and efficient, as this platform has many necessary features.
  • High website load speed: This advantage is available thanks to advanced caching.
  • Professional community support: Thousands of programmers from all around the world are contributing to the growth and development of Magento. That is why it is simple to seek assistance and get solutions to crucial issues on expert forums.

Drawbacks of Using Magento

  • Difficulty in installation and implementation: Not just for non-developers but even for junior programmers, this platform might be complicated.
  • The need for hosting: For large-scale projects, you will likely have to spend money on the server.
  • High cost: Although the Magento platform itself offers many free features, using it on its own can be challenging. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the associated costs for employees such as a Magento consultant and developer. Here we also add the cost of quality hosting.
  • The need for constant enhancements: If you want your startup to stand out from the crowd, you will need to spend a lot of time developing a unique project.

Specifics and Limitations While Finding Magento Programmer for Your Startup

specific and limitation
Consider your project in-depth & market uniqueness

Before you start looking for a team of specialists for your project, you should define the idea and concept of your startup. Once you’ve determined your target customer, identified the issues your product will address, and created a business plan, you can immediately see which professionals and how many of them you’ll need. The main limitation with startups appears to be a lack of finance in the early phases of putting the idea into action. That is why it is critical to consider your project in-depth and establish its market uniqueness.

Magento solutions are ideal for large-scale e-commerce projects or best startups with a future expansion strategy. Highly qualified experts will help you cope with building an effective online store with a large number of items, providing a system that doesn’t require frequent bug fixes. Finding Magento developers makes sense when you have a set budget and a clear startup structure.

Let’s consider the most significant factors when hiring staff for your project:

  • Keep your needs as specific as possible. Setting precise requirements will help you better grasp the dynamics of your business and allow potential employees to become familiar with the scope of work.
  • Identify which developers you require. Will there be Magento experts with extensive work experience who can do complicated tasks? Or are fundamental skills sufficient for your startup? Will you consider whether your potential workers have Magento certification?
  • Determine what other employees besides developers you need. These can be QA/QC specialists, Magento consultants, project managers, or marketers.
  • Set the budget. Your project expenditures may include employee salaries and other costs, such as hosting or Magento premium features. Also, determine whether your project requires an in-house staff or whether you want to outsource services. If you’re hiring in-house keep in mind you might need to use an employees hours tracker to keep tabs on the amount of hours put into the project.
  • Plan the development stages. Since each step of Magento development might have a distinct set of tasks, you’ll be able to figure out how many workers you’ll need at each level.

Where to Find a Magento Developer for Your Startup?

  • Magento forums: As we mentioned earlier, the professional community of this platform is indeed broad. Developers often communicate on specialized websites, where they discuss various Magento problems and ways to solve them. At such forums, developers offer their services as well.
  • Linkedin: This social network was developed with the express purpose of allowing candidates to share information about themselves with future employers. The easiest way to search for specialists is to use keywords and the skills you need for your project.
  • Freelance platforms like Fiverr and Upwork: You may post advertisements with a list of criteria and a salary range to locate staff, or you can react to individual freelancer profiles.
  • Local job search services: You can gather in-house staff by posting ads on one of the job search websites.
  • Use the services of the RPO services provider: So long as you delegate this task to a third-party firm, hiring quality employees is no longer an issue.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing in Finding a Magento Developer

recruitment process
Recruitment process outsourcing

When there is a need for full or partial transfer of search or hiring functions for the project, recruitment process outsourcing comes in handy. This approach to team selection frees the project owner from additional time and effort to find the ideal candidates.

Applying for remote recruiter services is suitable in the following cases:

  • Growth and development of a startup, where there is a need for quality technological solutions like RPO Software, which helps optimize recruitment processes.
  • Difficulties with independent selection of professionals
  • Inability to expand your HR department or dissatisfaction with the quality of its work.
  • The need to create a team in a short period.

Opportunities offered by RPO for selection of Magento developers:

  • A quick search for employees since the service provider already has a base of professionals.
  • A chance to save money because you can hire employees with any salary rate, which can be discussed with a remote recruiter.
  • The search for candidates who are relevant to your requirements.
  • The assistance of an in-house recruitment staff because the remote service provider can share their expertise in this area.
  • The support from the RPO side and constant supervision of staff.
  • An ability to quickly scale the company.
  • The guarantee of the quality of specialists and services they provide.
  • Increasing competitiveness. It is valuable for small companies and startups that do not have the same resources as large businesses. A recruiting company may assist startups in hiring essential personnel to keep up with larger organizations.

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Things a Magento Programmer Should Know

We recommend you to get acquainted with the core abilities a Magento developer should possess to select a reliable and competent programmer. Such skills are as follows:

  1. Specialized knowledge: The Magento developer must at least have an excellent command of PHP language and a PHP frameworks understanding. In addition, a good programmer must follow trends in technology and constantly evolve.
  2. Availability of Magento certification: This certification means the international recognition of Magento developer expertise. There are several types of them, including Magento Solution Specialist, Magento Certified Developer, Magento Front-End Developer, and Magento Certified Developer Plus.
  3. Experience with Magento is a plus: Even with the knowledge of PHP, without the practice of working with this e-commerce platform, it will be difficult for a programmer to solve problems in the initial stages of work. We advise you to hire an inexperienced worker only if you do not have a time constraint and are confident in the employee’s commitment.
  4. The candidate has a portfolio: This item is not possible without the previous one. If a potential employee has worked with Magento before, it would be beneficial if he could show you some of his past projects.
  5. Basic project management skills: These abilities are significant for smoother task implementation and understanding in which direction your startup is moving.
  6. Ability to work in remote teams: Given the pandemic situation, the tendency toward remote work, and the prevalence of outsourcing, the ability to complete your tasks remotely is essential.
  7. The presence of soft skills: Such qualities include, for example, emotional intelligence, stress resilience, creative thinking, and teamwork abilities.
Magento developer cv
Magento Developer's CV


Nowadays, Magento is the most functional platform for launching e-commerce projects. And this is not surprising because it allows you to create personalized online stores that can withstand heavy loads in the form of numerous customers and orders. But working with this platform requires employees with sound knowledge to provide the best design solutions.

There are currently a plethora of options for sourcing Magento developers for your startup. For effective recruiting, you should carefully consider your project and identify what requirements it should address. You may discover excellent Magento developers on local job websites, freelancing platforms, and even via the services of a remote recruiter. Development of quality online stores based on Magento is almost impossible without the help of qualified developers. Hiring programmers guarantees the correct operation of your site, management of all processes, the ability to make any changes and expand your project.

Author bio: Anastasia Stefanuk is a passionate writer and Information Technology enthusiast. She works as a Content Manager at Mobilunity, a provider of dedicated development teams around the globe. Anastasia keeps abreast of the latest news in all areas of technology, Agile project management, and software product growth hacking, at the same time sharing her experience online to help tech startups and companies to be up-to-date.

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