Magento 2 Store Switcher Extensions in 2024

The Best 8 Magento 2 Store Switcher extensions from hundreds of the Store Switcher extensions in the market as derived from Mageplaza Ranking, which is using Mageplaza scores, rating reviews, search results, and social metrics. The below extensions were picked manually by Mageplaza experts, if your Store Switcher does not include in the list, feel free to contact us. The best Store Switcher list is ranked and evaluated in 2024, the price from $79 to $179. Find more Magento 2 extensions here.

Recommend for you

One Step Checkout

Reduce abandonment rate ↓66%, increase conversion rate ↑30%

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Layered Navigation

Stop challenging the customer's patience.

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Reward Points

Boost your customer loyalty effortlessly

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The most completed referral solution.

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Here is a list of Best Store Switcher for Magento 2:

Magento Vendor Name Highlight features Description Price Actions
mageplaza logo


Store Switcher by Mageplaza

  • Allows admins to set redirecting action-automatic or manual
  • Select pages to apply store view rule
  • Allow switching to familiar currency of local stores
  • Choose the search engine crawler or user agents to get rid of store switching
  • Detect a customer's current location by using GeoIP

Mageplaza Store Switcher for Magento 2 automatically guides global customers of online stores to reach localized stores with the familiar languages and currencies.

bsscommerce logo


Store Switcher by Bsscommerce

  • Redirect user to the assigned store view based on GeoIP country
  • Manage switching store view
  • Set redirect exception for specific IPs and URLs
  • Choose the search engine crawler or user agents to get rid of store switching
  • Provide the blocking feature by GeoIP to prevent spamming and fraud order

The Store Switcher for Magento 2 by BSScommerce allows you to provide your customers with the ability to manually switch between the available store versions. Moreover, Store Switcher extension lets you choose to redirect users to the assigned store view based on GeoIP country.

fmeextensions logo


Store Switcher by Fmeextensions

  • Automatically redirects visitors to their region-specific store view
  • Automatically switches language and currency
  • Import geo location database
  • Add a list of IP addresses to ignore redirection rules
  • Show drop-down store switcher
  • Create groups to classify customers according to marketing practices

Store's Currency and Language switcher enables you to automatically change language and currency of store based on the user location. In addition to automatic currency and language switching, you can enable manual switching as well. IP exceptions enable you to add a list of IP addresses on which you do not intend to apply auto redirection rule.

magedelight logo


Store Switcher by Magedelight

  • Detect visitors’ location automatically
  • Redirects visitors to the appropriate store view automatically
  • Display country-specific currency
  • Set default country and tax per location
  • Support location-based restrictions
  • Switch the language based on visitors' location

MageDelight Store Switcher for Magento 2 is a must-have tool which improves the default shopping experience of the platform redirecting store visitors to appropriate store view, language, and currency automatically. At the same time, the module allows creating whitelists with addresses that will be able to pass the restrictions.

magestyapps logo


Store Switcher by Magestyapps

  • Automatically switches pre-defined store, store-view, website
  • Automatically switches currency
  • Block separate IP addresses and countries
  • Disable redirects for separate URLs
  • Automatically regularly update the database

Magento 2 Store Switcher extension detects visitor's geographical location by his IP address and forwards him to appropriate store, store view or website or just switches the correct locale (language). And the plugin is configured to automatically regularly update the database itself.

mageworx logo


Store Switcher by Mageworx

  • Automatically redirect visitors to the localized websites
  • Disable store switching for the specified countries
  • Identify the real-time visitors’ location
  • Disable auto-switching for certain ULRs or locations
  • Prevent fraudulent orders (by checking order's Geo origin)

Magento 2 Store Switcher extension from Mageworx quickly and precisely identifies the real-time visitors’ location, and auto-redirect them to the right store view. With the geo-targeting option, you can automatically change your website language depending on the shoppers’ country.

modulebazaar logo


Store Switcher by Modulebazaar

  • Block IP addresses to browse the store and avoid store redirection
  • Automatically convert the currency
  • Display the price to the customers in the regional currency
  • Set the URL automatically and manually
  • Redirect the users to the region-specific website

Store Switcher Magento 2 allows you to identify and redirect the user to the respective URL or store with their native language. Make your store attractive and comfortable for shoppers all over the world to lift your business at the international level.

amasty logo


Store Switcher by Amasty

  • Automatically display a corresponding store view to international visitors
  • Set location-based language and currency selection
  • Use smart restrictions for URLs and IP addresses
  • Enable location-based redirects

Store Switcher extension for Magento 2 has additional functions of detecting the location of customers and changes store's price currency to the one which is actually used in the potential customer’s country. This helps to improve the checkout speed and conversion rate.


Best Store Switcher for Magento Store

Magento Vendor Rating Highlight features Description Price Actions
Store Switcher reviewed by Mageplaza

Store Switcher reviewed by Mageplaza

Store Switcher by Store Switcher review by Mageplaza

  • Restrict redirection for particular URLs
  • Redirect to particular store view
  • Switch currency based on the visitor's country
  • Restrict redirects by IP address
  • Redirect between websites or only within stores of the same website

Store Switcher for Magento provides international visitors with the appropriate store view automatically. As a result, potential buyers see a website in a native language and prices in local currency.

fmeextensions logo


Store Switcher by Fmeextensions

  • Automatically detects customer location
  • Enable automatic/manual redirection
  • Customize manual store switching popup
  • Support Maxmind Geo IP Database
  • Import file in CSV format
  • Configure priority for multiple store switching rules

Store Switcher extension for Magento automatically detects the location of the customers and redirects them to the specific store as-signed for their region. Enable automatic or manual store switching based on the customer's current location.

mageworx logo


Store Switcher by Mageworx

  • List the countries to be displayed on the frontend
  • Assign countries and regions to any store views
  • Lock automatic and manual store switching for certain IP addresses, countries/user agents & search engine spiders or site URLs
  • Automatically switch currencies
  • Apply local taxes according to the customer's location
  • Select billing and shipping countries right on the checkout page

Store Switcher extension uses customers' geolocation and browser language and automatically sends shoppers to the right local version of your website. Store owners can extend business horizons to other countries, improve communication and user experience with international clients.


More Reviews from Mageplaza

These 8 Store Switcher modules are ranked based on following criteria:

  • Rating review on Magento Connect, Magento Marketplace and vendor's website.
  • The price and features.
  • The vendor's reputation and Search Engine Ranking.
  • Social media metrics such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+.
  • Mageplaza team and expert review.

Top 8 Magento 2 Store Switcher Vendors

Thank every vendor that has made this Top 8 Store Switcher list! This is the most comprehensive list of best Store Switcher on the internet and we are honoured to have you as part of this!

We would like to give the best commendation to all of the vendors who have done the number one of the Store Switcher brief! It is appreciated to be the most awesome and exhaustive result from searching on Google. We are pretty proud of your appearance on this list. Many thanks for your benefaction to our lives!