Magento 2 Age Verification Extensions in 2024

The Best 8 Magento 2 Age Verification extensions from hundreds of the Age Verification extensions in the market as derived from Mageplaza Ranking, which is using Mageplaza scores, rating reviews, search results, and social metrics. The below extensions were picked manually by Mageplaza experts, if your Age Verification does not include in the list, feel free to contact us. The best Age Verification list is ranked and evaluated in 2024, the price from $0 to $159. Find more Magento 2 extensions here.

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The most completed referral solution.

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Here is a list of Best Age Verification for Magento 2:

Magento Vendor Name Highlight features Description Price Actions
mageplaza logo


Age Verification Extension by Mageplaza

  • Apply age verification for any page or product
  • Activate age verification for purchases
  • Verify customers age automatically based on date of birth info
  • Offer customizable pop-up message template
  • Allow configuring age verification for custom URLs

Magento 2 Age Verification by Mageplaza is an extension which requires customers to verify their age before they can view or make purchases on particular store pages. This would help stores prevent identity fraud, deal with legality while protecting users from accessing unsuitable sites.

agechecked logo


Age Verification Extension by Agechecked

  • Allow verifying customer age on checkout page
  • Enable direct handles age check on-site
  • Enhance user experience across multiple devices
  • Help store be compliant with PCI and GDPR
  • Support straight forward set-up

Magento 2 Age Verification by Age Checked allows store admins to display customers' age verification seamlessly during checkout. Customers can use various methods to verify their age such as electoral roll, credit card or driving license. As a result, you can be compliant with the existing legislation and protect your business and customers at the same time.

codecanyon logo


Age Verification Extension by Codecanyon

  • Offer Yes/No configuration to activate Age verification service
  • Present Ageverify on specific pages or the whole website
  • Provide personalization options to edit pop-up colors and content
  • No more unnecessary repeat verification
  • Offer unique and responsive pop-up that compatible with all devices

Age Verification PopUp for Magento 2 in Codecanyon by Setubridge is an extension which allows store admins to take advantage of the pop-up to ask users to verify their age before entering your website. With this module, you would have full control over the appearance of the pop-up. You can then choose to display that pop-up on any pages to ensure that your services are only delivered to the customers who are old enough to use.

setubridge logo


Age Verification Extension by Setubridge

  • Enforce age restriction on specific pages or entire site
  • Allow freely customizing the color and content of pop-up
  • Offer various templates for different styling and purpose
  • Eliminate unnecessarily repeated age checking
  • Mobile-friendly with responsive pop-up

Magento 2 Age Verification Pop-Up extension is a resourceful tool which enforces users to verify their age before being allowed to access particular websites that is only suitable for specific age ranges. This module also offers flexibility to select several pages to show pop-up instead of the whole site, which could not only help protect your website effectively but also enhance the experience of users.

ulmod logo


Age Verification Extension by Ulmod

  • Allow creating age verification to restrict your site content
  • Offer checkbox and buttons verification options
  • Enable defining the minimum age, message, redirect URL
  • Diplay age verification on multiple pages
  • Display age verification per customers group, store view and scheduled date

Age Verification by Ulmod is an extension which help prohibit underage users from browsering your site. By adding a simple gate verification, store owners can request customers to verify their age before earning the access to the website.

vsourz-digital logo


Age Verification Extension by Vsourz-digital

  • Fully control the age verification pop-up content
  • Allow selecting any page to display pop-up
  • Define interval time for verification pop-up
  • Set up amazing animation effect with CSS3
  • Display pop-up creation automatically

Magento 2 Age Gate Pop-Up by Vsourz Digital is an extension which would lock your website with a pop-up which asks users to verify their age before allowing them to browse the store site. This module helps prevent underage users from viewing the web-store while still gives admins full flexibility in customizing the age verification pop-up content.

belvg logo


Age Verification Extension by Belvg

  • Allow adding text, brand or logo to Age Verification pop-up
  • Offer full support for CSS styles
  • Display age verification on some specific pages
  • Support one-time age confirmation
  • Provide fully customizable pop-up content

Age Verification Page is an extension which enables Magento 2 store owners to lock their stores or some specific products behind a verification pop-up. With this module, you can choose several particular pages or the whole website to apply the verification process. Besides, you can easily add description, images, or logo to the verification window. This would make your pop-up become more unique and attractive.

mageants logo


Age Verification Extension by Mageants

  • Allow enforcing age restriction for the entire website or particular pages
  • Enable adding a custom description or images to the pop-up
  • Freely set up the pop-up style and design to suit the store theme
  • Allow creating new templates for verification pop-up display
  • Be compliant to current and upcoming regulations

Age Verification for Magento 2 by MageAnts is an extension which allows store admins to verify the age of customers before giving them the right to access to the store site by displaying a pop-up. This would help prevent the abuse and keep the store in line with the law while still maintaining the store.


These 8 Age Verification modules are ranked based on following criteria:

  • Rating review on Magento Connect, Magento Marketplace and vendor's website.
  • The price and features.
  • The vendor's reputation and Search Engine Ranking.
  • Social media metrics such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+.
  • Mageplaza team and expert review.

Top 8 Magento 2 Age Verification Vendors

Thank every vendor that has made this Top 8 Age Verification list! This is the most comprehensive list of best Age Verification on the internet and we are honoured to have you as part of this!

We would like to give the best commendation to all of the vendors who have done the number one of the Age Verification brief! It is appreciated to be the most awesome and exhaustive result from searching on Google. We are pretty proud of your appearance on this list. Many thanks for your benefaction to our lives!