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How feature-rich Mageplaza Reward Points extension compared to other providers?

Vinh Jacker | 09-07-2022

How feature-rich Mageplaza Reward Points extension compared to other providers? How feature-rich Mageplaza Reward Points extension compared to other providers?

The Most Popular Extension Builder for Magento 2

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Customer loyalty is not earned easily.

Customers are often driven by their own goals, and they’re only loyal to the company that can help them fulfill that goal. It doesn’t matter if they have a positive history with your business; if your competitor puts a better offer on the table, the customer is going to take it.

That’s why you need to build a strong loyalty program.

With a strong loyalty program, you can convert first-time customers into repeat ones and keep your brand in their minds.

But how can you do that? For Magento 2 online stores, you’ll need a Reward Points extension.

In this article, we will compare the Reward Points extension by 3 common providers: Mageplaza, Amasty, and Aheadworks. At the end of this post, you will know which provider to go with.

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Even though Magento provides a basic reward points feature, it is still not ideal to use in your online store. You’ll need more advanced features to strengthen your reward system.

When using the default Magento Reward Points, you will face these limitations:

  • It’s impossible to show multiple reward programs at once.
  • There’s no tool to make your reward program look more user-friendly in a default store, especially in the checkout section.
  • In a default Magento store, you cannot set up many types of reward programs, such as rewards for customer behaviors, social channel sharing, referring friends, etc.
  • There’s no function for in-depth analysis for reward points with default configurations.
  • The milestone feature is not available on the default Magento store.
  • It’s impossible to create new reward rules for existing audience groups in a default Magento store.

With the help of the Reward Points extension developed by well-known providers, you can overcome these limitations easily. Just read on to learn how different and feature-rich these extensions are.

Mageplaza Reward Points vs. other providers

Mageplaza Reward Points Amasty Reward Points Aheadworks Reward Points
Basic functionality Magento 2 Reward Points by Mageplaza comes with a bunch of features:

- Numerous earning rules. With Mageplaza Reward Points, you can award customers for many actions, such as account creation, product purchase, registration, newsletter subscription, product review submission, social sharing, referral, etc. In addition, you can create condition-based rules for multiple-point earning & spending rates.

- Edit customer’s points. Admins can edit a customer’s balance right from the backend by adding or deducting reward points.

- Refund orders with reward points. Retain the customers that are not satisfied with the product by making a refund into reward points. This way, they’ll get the money back, but at the same time, they can spend points at your store.

- Reward points import/export. This feature helps admins import/export reward points easily. No more manual and complex work.

- Statistics. You can track the current customer balance, total points earned, as well as total points spent.
Like the extension by Mageplaza, Amasty Reward Points has the following basic features:
- Numerous earning rules
- Edit customer’s points
- Refund orders with reward points
- Reward points import/export
- Statistics
Aheadworks Reward Points supports the following basic features:

- Numerous earning rules
- Edit customer’s points
- Refund orders with reward points
- Reward points import/export
- Statistics
Unique features - Reward point label customization. You can name and customize reward points with eye-catching labels like coin, flower, heart, and so on.

- Points spending slider. Besides entering a number to select points spending, you can use a spending slider to increase customer experience.

- Milestones program. This is a powerful version of reward point programs, in which customers in other levels get different tiers. This wise strategy can form lasting customer loyalty.

- API support. Mageplaza Reward Points integrates with other 3rd-party modules or apps in rewarding system. From this, buyers from other platforms don’t miss any rewards from your stores.

- Allow earning points from shipping fee. Admins can allow shipping fees to be converted to point(s).

- Display earning points on minicart. Customers can see the total number of earning point(s) when checking out at the Minicart page.
- Comments for actions. Admins can change the comment according to the store view.

- Add tooltips in reward point block. This block will notify customers about details of your spending configuration.
- Hide the top link. You can hide the top link if the customer has an empty points balance.

- Sharing on social network daily/monthly limit. The maximum number of points that can be awarded to the customer on sharing store pages to social networks per day/month.

Feature comparison: Summary

Mageplaza Amasty Aheadworks
Numerous earning rules ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Edit customer’s points ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Refund orders with reward points ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Reward points import/export ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Statistics ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Reward point label customization ✔️
Points spending slider ✔️
Milestones program ✔️
API support ✔️
Allow earning points from shipping fee ✔️
Display earning points on minicart ✔️
Comments for actions ✔️
Add tooltip in reward point block ✔️
Hide the top-link ✔️
Sharing on social network daily/monthly limit ✔️

Pricing comparison

Mageplaza Reward Points Amasty Reward Points Aheadworks Reward Points
- Standard: $99 then $59.4/year
- Pro: $199 then $119.4/year
- Ultimate: $299 then $179.4/year
- Reward Points: $299 then $185/year
- Reward Points Pro: $349 then $215/year
- Open Source: $271 then $159.99/year
- Commerce: $543 then $319.99/year

Reward Points

Reward Points Extension for Magento 2

Convert occasional customers into loyal members by creating a reward system (Hyva ready)

Check it out!


We hope this comparison post has helped you a lot. To choose the best solution among Mageplaza, Amasty, and Aheadworks, you should also consider their support, update frequency, along with reviews from previous customers.

You can read how other online merchants use Reward Points right here.

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    With over a decade of experience crafting innovative tech solutions for ecommerce businesses built on Magento, Jacker is the mastermind behind our secure and well-functioned extensions. With his expertise in building user-friendly interfaces and robust back-end systems, Mageplaza was able to deliver exceptional Magento solutions and services for over 122K+ customers around the world.

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