Aero theme by Plaza-themes

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Aero themes has been purchased 13, rating: 4/5 based on 4 reviews.

Aero theme

Highlight features

  • 4+ homepage demos
  • Powerful admin settings
  • Clean theme
  • Allow changing colors and fonts
  • Strong plugins included
  • Easy to install

Aero is a theme designed by Plaza-themes specifically for automotive parts business websites. It is compatible with Magento 2 stores and with any mobile device. Aero theme is easy to customize both in color and homepage. It offers 6 home page options along with thousands of useful features. It can be seen that this is a neat, clear, clean theme to every detail. Products are shown on the website that is eye-catching and easy to attract customers. If you want to improve the traffics of the website, do not hesitate, choose Aero theme for your shop to experience now.