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Exclusive List of Best WP SEO Plugins in 2022

Summer Nguyen | 03-09-2022

Exclusive List of Best WP SEO Plugins Exclusive List of Best WP SEO Plugins

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Creating and then maintaining a website can be a very overwhelming task sometimes. It requires a lot of effort to create a website in the first place and then work on its SEO. You need to have a proper strategy for your page that is going to work for it and help you to improve the ranking. In that case, you can rely on WordPress SEO plugins which are built only to resolve your issues with SEO. You can check out this list of WordPress SEO plugins that you must have for your website and boost the performance on the result pages.

According to a study, 75% of people who browse on Google never go beyond the first search engine result page. They always end up clicking on websites that are shown on the first page. This fact can motivate many but can sound very daunting for some people. You need to constantly work up on your website as a real job of 9 to 5. Create an SEO plan for a month or so and stick to it religiously. Constant efforts are the key to a better result for your website.

You can choose any of these WordPress SEO plugins or use multiple of them in order to keep a check on everything that is important for the optimization of the website. This process of optimizing the WordPress website will teach you new things every day about SEO and how this ranking game works. Let me show you know about list of best WP SEO Plugins now!

List of Best WP SEO Plugins

Rank Math SEO


Rank Math has always been a great WordPress SEO plugin that you must have. Choosing the right plugin for your website can turn out to be a great deal breaker. If you have a website that is content-oriented then Rank Math is the right choice for your website. You can curate optimized content for your website with the help of assistance provided by Rank Math. Working with Rank Math is quite simple, you don’t need to switch between tabs or windows to work on it. It gives you a complete analysis of your content, optimizes meta descriptions and lessens the chances of SERP display errors.



Most people think that creating a website is the only task that requires effort and the rest of the part is just a piece of cake. Well, then most of the people turned out to be wrong. Creating a website is just the tail of the elephant, the real work starts with the optimization process where you need to work everyday for the betterment of the website. MonsterInsights is one such WordPress SEO plugin that can help you keep track of the website’s performance and give an analytical report of what actions are needed.



Redirection is a free WordPress SEO plugin that can help you manage the redirects of your websites. This plugin solely works on each and every dead link that might land visitors on a404-error message. It is the right kind of plugin that has the potential to smoothen the performance of a website.

You don’t have to work on coding 301 directives in the HTACCESS document on the website. All you gotta do is check this plugin’s user-friendly interface from your WordPress dashboard. That’s all it requires to work with Redirection.

Yoast SEO


Yoast is a very popular WordPress SEO plugin that is widely used by website owners around the world. This plugin has a bunch of great features that function for the sole purpose of optimizing the website. Yoast SEO plugin creates a report card of your page’s optimization process where you can analyze which part needs to be rectified and what needs to be changed. Yoast SEO will help you to keep an eye on the right keyword that is used hugely by the audience to search for your website.



One WordPress SEO plugin that comes with absolutely no ads and disturbance is SEOPress. It is very user-friendly, easy to understand and operate for beginners. If you are looking to give a good start at trying hands on SEO then you must opt for this one. It can give you a good understanding of how WordPress SEO works. You get an insight about your competition, find the correct keyword for your website and use it while curating content and find backlinks for your website.

SEO Squirrly

SEO Squirrly

SEO Squirrly is exactly what you need if you do not have any technical knowledge about SEO. You can have very optimized content for your website as SEO Squirrly will keep you updated with what’s good and needed for your website and what is not. It gives you all the recommendations which an SEO expert can provide you with. You can go through the complete analysis report of your website from SEO Squirrly which clearly explains what is currently happening to your website.

RelNoFollow Checkbox

RelNoFollow Checkbox

We all know how backlinks are important for a website. Google traces each and every link attached to your website to check if the given link is related to your website or not. To keep a check on such things you need to add this WordPress SEO plugin which can help you to figure out what to do with links. One major reason why you should not have a second thought about RelNoFollow is that it is a very lightweight plugin that doesn’t hamper the speed of the website. It is a perfect SEO plugin for non-coders.



This SEO plugin is quite different from all that you have read so far. WordLift is a plugin that uses AI to take your SEO strategy to the next level and match up with what’s needed on search engine result pages. You get to translate your website content in a language which new days medium uses as search keywords. WordLift is a perfect SEO plugin for those who know their website is also used by the audience that searches through personal digital assistants – Google Assistant, Siri etc.

Schema Pro

schema pro

There are many perks of working with a WordPress website and getting a huge variety of SEO plugins along is one of them. Schema Pro is one of the most popular WordPress SEO plugins which gives you opportunities to excel in digital marketing. Many SEO experts recommend plugins like Schema Pro for WordPress websites as it will be a great help to optimize the content. People with less knowledge or the ones who are still learning the SEO can easily use Schema. You don’t have to learn technical things like Schema Markup to optimize the content, all you gotta do is select the type of content and the work will be done.

All In One SEO Pack

All In One Seopack

All In One SEO Pack, as the name says is a complete package of what you are going to need for your WordPress website. A good WordPress SEO plugin is the one that provides you with an overall assist for SEO plans. All you need to do is download the plugin and run the setup wizard. You can optimize the content of your website in order to coax more traffic to it and bring in more fortune with it. AIO SEO is built with a great user interface which makes it easier for users to understand how things work. If you are new to the SEO world, you must go with AIO SEO to start your journey.


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Another List of the Best SEO Tools and SEO Extensions

broken link checker

If you’ve gone through the factors which determine the ranking of a page. You must be knowing how much backlinks contributes to the ranking on SERPs. Broken Link Checker is the ultimate WordPress plugin that is going to help you with your backlinks. One can keep a check on each and every link they have created on pages. Broken Link Checker notifies you when a backlink is broken and needs your attention to fix it. According to Google Algorithm, if a page contains broken links it will automatically degrade the ranking of that page on the search engine result page.

Semrush Tools


Semrush is one of the most used WordPress SEO Plugin for official purposes. It is the best available professional SEO plugin that you can add to your website. The plethora of national and local keywords are suggested by Semrush to optimize the content in the best possible ways. You can run technical SEO audits, track the SERP position of your page daily and analyze the domain’s backlink profile. You can even go through the suggestions provided by Semrush to improve your content so that the ranking of your page gets improved. Semrush currently has around 7 million users who have trusted this SEO plugin for their website. It is one of the most popular and widely used WordPress plugins by SEO professionals. One can make wondrous changes to their digital marketing strategy through Semrush.

Google Search Console Tools


Google Search Console is the legit choice for your WordPress website. You can easily analyze what keywords and queries bring traffic to your website. Post that you can include what changes and actions can be taken to improve the SEO plans for the website. You can check the performance of your page and fix issues once detected. Google Search Console provides you with important data like impressions, clicks, and search engine ranking of a website in order to understand where exactly rectification is needed in your content. Google Search Console is one of the SEO plugins that you can completely trust for your website.

Ahrefs Tools


Building a website and working on SEO always keep a window open for improving and learning every day. You keep learning new tricks and things to make your SEO game strong and sound. Ahrefs helps you to optimize your website by analyzing your competitor’s websites. You can make changes to your website by understanding how well your competitor’s website is working. There is only a handful of WordPress SEO plugins available that can work for both professionals and amateurs of the SEO world. Ahrefs allows its users to learn and master SEO while working on it. Some major marketing giants use Ahrefs as their SEO tool.

SEOquake Extensions


SEOquake should be on your SEO tools list for sure. It gives you all the needed information related to SEO for your website. People can opt for SEOquake as their WordPress SEO plugin for any kind of website. This plugin can be used on any browser like Google Chrome, Safari, Opera and Mozilla Firefox as web browser add-ons. Being so easy to use and the efficient plugin makes it one of the most downloaded browser addons by SEO professionals.

Another SEO Extension for Magento 2 - Mageplaza


Magento 2 SEO Extension - Mageplaza has a bundle of outstanding features that are auto-active when you install it from Mageplaza without any code modifications. It is also friendly with your store if you need to insert meta keywords and meta descriptions for your product. It will perform perfectly to better your SEO. Share this extension with your friends right away to help their store be better!


We hope this list of WordPress SEO Plugins or another list of the best SEO Tools and SEO Extensions will be useful to you and your website. You can use any of these plugins and even use them together whatever works with your website.

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    A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.

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