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Hiring the best remote dedicated software developers: Guidance for your business

Remote work has become popular in recent years, and with the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become more critical than ever. As a result, many companies are now looking to hire remote dedicated software developers.

However, this increasing trend is still controversial and causes many arguments. In this article, we’ll explore some advantages of hiring the best remote dedicated software developers, along with some guidance on managing their working process more efficiently.

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Remote dedicated software developers, who are they?

Remote dedicated software developers, often called remote developers or remote engineering teams, are professionals who work remotely for a company or client on a reliable basis. These developers are typically hired by companies that need additional development resources or prefer to outsource their software development projects.

Remote dedicated software developer definition

Hiring remote dedicated software developers offer several advantages for business, such as access to a global talent pool, cost savings, flexibility, scalability, and reduced recruitment and onboarding time.

However, managing remote development teams may present some challenges, such as communication and coordination across different time zones, cultural differences, and ensuring effective collaboration. Companies must establish clear communication channels, project management tools, and processes to mitigate these challenges.

Why hire a remote dedicated software developer?

As mentioned above, hiring remote dedicated programmers can bring businesses numerous benefits, and it can be a viable solution for companies seeking specialized skills, cost savings, and flexibility in their software development projects.

One of the most prominent reasons hiring dedicated developers remotely is popular is that it can reduce costs. Let’s figure out what contributes to the decrease in cost when hiring online software developers.

  • Office space and infrastructure: By hiring remote developers, companies can avoid the costs of providing office space, furniture, equipment, and other infrastructure. Remote developers typically use their workspace and provide tools, reducing the company’s overhead expenses.

  • Recruitment and onboarding: Remote hiring can streamline recruitment and reduce associated costs. It eliminates the need for on-site interviews, relocation packages, and visa sponsorships, particularly when hiring internationally. Online developers often have experience working in distributed teams and require less training, reducing onboarding expenses.

  • Employee benefits: Online software engineers may have different benefits than in-house employees. Companies may not need to provide the same level of benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, or office-related perks. This reduction in benefit costs can contribute to overall cost savings.

  • Increased productivity: Remote programmers often have the flexibility to work during their most productive hours and in environments where they can focus. This can lead to higher productivity than developers in a traditional office setting. Remote work arrangements also eliminate common office distractions, improving efficiency and output.

  • Local labor costs: Online software developers, especially those from regions with lower labor costs, can be hired at more affordable rates than local developers. Companies can use the global talent pool to find skilled developers offering competitive pricing.

  • Overhead expenses: Hiring remote software developers eliminates the need to provide office space, utilities, and equipment. Companies can save on rent, maintenance, and other related costs of maintaining a physical office. Online developers typically use their equipment remotely from their workspace, resulting in significant cost savings.

  • Reduced turnover and retention: Developers often value remote work arrangements, increasing job satisfaction and potentially decreasing employee turnover. Hiring and training new developers can be costly, so retaining skilled remote developers can help save on recruitment and onboarding expenses.

How to manage remote dedicated software developers?

Managing remote dedicated software developers can be challenging, but it can be done effectively with the right strategies and tools.

Below, we’ll explore tips and best practices for managing remote dedicated software developers, including communication strategies, project management tools, and more.

How to manage a remote software developer team?

1. Transparent communication channels

Clear communication ensures that the company and the remote developers are aligned on project goals, objectives, and deliverables. By establishing a shared understanding of expectations, the team can work more efficiently and effectively towards common goals.

Furthermore, this method also helps assign tasks and responsibilities to online engineers. With a well-defined communication channel, project managers can easily delegate work, provide instructions, and clarify any uncertainties, ensuring the developers understand their assignments clearly.

With a clear communication channel, businesses can minimize misunderstandings and misinterpretations arising due to physical distance and lack of face-to-face interaction. It reduces the chances of miscommunication and ensures that instructions, feedback, and information are conveyed accurately.

2. Clear expectations setting

Setting clear expectations helps remote programmers understand the specific deliverables, project goals, and desired outcomes. When expectations are well-defined, developers can focus on meeting them, resulting in more accurate and satisfactory deliverables.

Clear expectations ensure developers understand how their work fits the project objectives. When they clearly understand the project’s purpose and desired outcomes, they can align their efforts accordingly, contributing effectively to its success.

By setting clear expectations, remote software engineers understand their roles and responsibilities within the project. They know what is expected from them and take ownership of their work. This fosters a sense of accountability, ensuring each developer takes responsibility for their tasks and delivers results accordingly.

3. Regular check-ins and meetings

Regular check-ins and meetings provide opportunities for direct communication and collaboration between project managers and online developers. They facilitate real-time discussions, problem-solving, and sharing of updates, ensuring everyone is on the same page. It helps to clarify requirements, address any issues or concerns, and foster a sense of teamwork.

Remote developers may face unique challenges while working independently, such as technical hurdles or limited resource access. Regular check-ins enable managers to offer remote developer guidance, support, and mentorship, helping them overcome obstacles and enhance their skills. Managers can also provide valuable insights and share best practices to optimize workflow and improve productivity.

Project managers can track the progress of remote developers’ work by doing regular check-ins and meetings. They provide a platform to discuss project status, review milestones, and evaluate the completion of tasks. By regularly monitoring progress, project managers can ensure deadlines are met, and developers remain accountable for their deliverables.

4. Goal-oriented approach

Setting clear goals and objectives gives online software engineers a sense of direction and purpose. When they know what is expected of them and understand the specific outcomes they need to achieve, they can focus their efforts and prioritize their tasks accordingly. This clarity minimizes confusion and helps remote developers stay on track.

Goal-setting ensures that the work of online programmers is aligned with the organization’s overall objectives. By defining specific goals that contribute to the broader vision, managers can guide remote developers to work on tasks that directly impact the success of the team and the company. This alignment fosters a sense of purpose and enables remote developers to see the value of their contributions.

Moreover, setting goals with clear metrics and targets allows managers to objectively evaluate the performance of developers. It provides a basis for measuring progress, identifying areas of improvement, and recognizing achievements. You should add these KPIs into your company HR portal, so that you are able to offer a fairer performance review. Performance evaluations based on goal attainment help remote developers understand their strengths and areas for growth, enabling managers to provide targeted feedback and support.

5. Collaboration and knowledge sharing

Remote work can sometimes lead to communication gaps or misunderstandings. Collaboration provides a platform for regular communication among remote dedicated software developers, enabling them to share information, discuss requirements, and clarify expectations. This facilitates effective communication, reduces errors, and ensures everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.

Collaboration and knowledge sharing are crucial to managing a remote team

Remote software developers often possess diverse skills, experiences, and perspectives. As a result, collaboration allows them to share their knowledge and expertise, enabling cross-pollination of ideas and skills. This knowledge exchange fosters continuous learning, exposes team members to new concepts and approaches, and enhances the team’s overall expertise.

By promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing, managers can facilitate effective communication, harness the collective intelligence of remote software developers, foster continuous learning, and enhance overall team productivity and satisfaction.

6. Necessary tools and resources

Software developers who work online rely heavily on technology and software tools to perform their work.

By providing them with the necessary tools and resources, managers ensure that remote developers have the means to be productive and efficient. This includes providing access to development environments, project management tools, communication platforms, version control systems, and other relevant software applications.

Businesses can establish a standardized workflow across the team by providing consistent tools and resources to remote software developers. When everyone uses the same tools and follows consistent processes, it becomes easier to collaborate, share code, track progress, and maintain a high level of quality. Standardization also simplifies onboarding for new team members and ensures remote developers can seamlessly transition into their roles.

By providing the necessary tools and resources, managers demonstrate their commitment to supporting the success of remote software developers. This investment promotes productivity, collaboration, skill development, and work-life balance, ultimately leading to more effective management of remote teams.

7. Recognition and feedback

Online developers, like any employees, thrive on recognition and positive feedback. Acknowledging their hard work, achievements, and contributions boosts their motivation, engagement, and job satisfaction. Remote developers feel valued and appreciated when their efforts are recognized, leading to increased productivity and a stronger commitment to their work.

Feedback plays a crucial role in helping remote software developers understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Constructive feedback provides insights into their performance, highlighting areas where they excel and areas that need development.

By providing specific feedback, managers can guide remote developers toward growth opportunities, enabling them to enhance their skills and achieve higher performance levels.

Managers can align software developers’ goals with broader organizational objectives with regular feedback sessions. Through feedback, managers can clarify expectations, priorities, and deliverables.

This ensures that remote developers understand how their work contributes to the overall success of the team and the company. Clear alignment fosters a sense of purpose and enables remote developers to focus their efforts effectively.

8. Work-life balance

Like any professional, remote devs need a balance between work and personal life to maintain their well-being and mental health. When work demands encroach upon personal time consistently, it can lead to burnout, stress, and decreased job satisfaction. Prioritizing work-life balance helps remote programmers maintain a positive mindset, reduce stress levels, and promote overall well-being.

Online software engineers can approach their work with greater focus and productivity when they have a healthy work-life balance. Adequate time for rest, relaxation, and personal activities allows remote developers to recharge their energy levels, improve concentration, and approach their tasks with renewed motivation. This ultimately leads to higher-quality work and increased efficiency.

Work-life balance is important for developers working online

Managers can promote online software developers’ well-being, productivity, and job satisfaction by emphasizing work-life balance. This, in turn, contributes to effective management, employee retention, and the overall success of the remote development team.

Where to hire a remote dedicated software developer?

Mageplaza is one of the top technology companies with many dedicated and high-skilled software developers. Mageplaza has a strong and dedicated team that is capable of:

  • Performing Magento/Shopify/Shopware development & support tasks as required

  • Designing e-commerce website, handling development, customization & integration

  • Working on various types of projects

  • Handling a wide range of complexity & project scales

  • Building an e-commerce website that functions

Mageplaza services

In addition, businesses can gain many benefits when hiring dedicated software developers from Mageplaza:

  • High-quality code development: The code undergoes continuous monitoring and evaluation to ensure optimal quality. Mageplaza developers and the QA team consistently perform testing prior to each release, aiming to deliver seamless and user-friendly experiences for both store owners and customers at every stage.

  • Unique custom functionalities: The Mageplaza will meticulously design unique features that can make your website truly distinctive and exceptional.

  • Continuous maintenance: Implementing routine maintenance to proactively address potential issues before they occur.

  • Transparent communication: By maintaining regular communication with managers and developers daily during each stage, you can effectively oversee and monitor the entire process.

  • Cost-effective model: Optimize your budget by eliminating the entire training expense and carefully selecting suitable matches for specific projects. If you prefer not to commit to a long-term contract, you can choose the pay-as-you-go option.

  • Guaranteed time range: Establish and adhere to a project timeline that meets your requirements and preferences.



Remote work has opened up new possibilities for organizations to hire the best talent worldwide. By taking note of the guidance mentioned above, you can ensure that you hire the right remote dedicated software developers who can help your business grow and succeed.

Remember that hiring remote developers is about finding the right people and creating a culture of trust and collaboration that fosters innovation and creativity!

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