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How to Use Email Retargeting to Boost Sales

Summer Nguyen | 05-22-2018

How to Use Email Retargeting to Boost Sales How to Use Email Retargeting to Boost Sales

The Most Popular Extension Builder for Magento 2

With a big catalog of 224+ extensions for your online store

Are you looking for a solution to get more sales from your existing customers? Or do you want a lot of potential customers who make short visits and then leave your site without purchasing?

In this article, I will show you how to optimize your email marketing to boost sales.

What is Email Remarketing?

Remarketing is a technique to follow up a website visitor who go to your website without purchasing or completing an order.

As you may know, over 300 billion dollars disappear in e-commerce every year because 70% visitors abandon their cart. In July 2013, the average cart abandonment rate reaches 67%. It means that 2/3 of visitors on average leave sites without purchasing.

When visitors abandoned your shopping cart, send an immediate email to them. This will be the most effective way to increase conversion rates.

What is Email Remarketing

What is the solution?

To help you reduce abandoned cart rate, we created Magento 2 Follow Up Email Extension This follow up Email extension will help you to recover your customer’s abandoned carts by sending email encouraging them to complete the order.

What is the solution for abandoned cart

Getting started with email remarketing with Magento 2 Follow Up Email Extension

It is discovered that the average time between the first visit and the first purchase is 33 hours 54 minutes. This period plays an important role in the success of your email remarketing.

Getting started with email remarketing with Magento 2 Follow Up Email

  • 1st Follow up - Immediate: In the first email, you can ask whether they have faced a technical problem during the shopping process and offer to provide support to make them purchase fast.
  • 2nd Follow up within 23 hours: In the second email, help reassure the customer by sending product reviews or reasons to purchase your product (your USPs) with quick links and product images. Please note that the inserted message must be focused on the original abandonment and avoid unnecessary info.
  • 3rd Follow up – 6 days 23 hours later: If your customers have received an email, yet there has still been no purchase. The final email should contain an amazing offer or free shipping or a trial period.

To sum up, having followed up extension helps you to reduce abandoned cart significantly and makes more purchases. There is no reason for you to hesitate about getting LOF follow up email extension. If you want to know more about the module, please visit our website for more details:


Author Bio

Alena Dao is a Product Marketing Manager of Landofcoder with a wide range of knowledge and experience to help everyone have better understanding about any powerful extensions for Magento websites.

Looking for Sales Booster Tools for Magento 2 stores? Get it here!

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    A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.

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