Magento 2 Rich Snippets / Structured Data

What are Magento 2 Rich Snippets / Google Rich Snippets (or markup)?

According to, this is ‘a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond’.

Basically, Schema is a structured data is built by the collaboration between Google, Bing, Yandex, and Yahoo! to help the search engines can understand your site content easier and will offer the better search ranking on the Search Engines Result Pages (SERPs). This will improve the way your page displays in SERPs by highlighting the key information in a clear and logical way.

Rich Snippets is the term used to describestructured data markup that site operators can add to their existing HTML, which in turn allow search engines to better understand what information is contained on each web page. However, the major search engines have taken this a step further, and now use this markup to present richer search results, enabling users to more easily find the information they are looking for.

Here is an example of a search result which is applied Structured Data when searching for the keyword “Magento 2 SEO extension”.

SEO Structured Data

As you can see, instead of showing the boring meta title and description as usual, thanks to Magento 2 Rich Snippets extension, the search result will have more detail information includes Rating, Review, Price, Stock status and the suggested extensions. Magento 2 SEO All-in-One Extension has a great built-in function which will optimize your page to increase the chance of featuring on position #0 of Google. Try that out!

Why you should use Rich Snippets?

Serve users better

Using Schema Structured Data is such a huge pleasure for the shoppers when almost the key information are shown right into the search result. Shoppers don’t need to click on the link to see more details but can have an overview of the site or the item to make the purchase decision quicker. It’s effective, save time and absolutely bring the better shopping experience.

Eye catching results

Normal search result are boring and doesn’t provide enough necessary information about your website. However, a search result with additional information about your product, service or company will be so much more appealing in customer’s eyes. This is a great way to draw a search user’s attention from your competitors’ listings to your own result. Not to mention, having Rich Snippets attached with search result means you occupy for more “estate” on SERP. The bigger you appear, the more likely you’ll get clicked. That’s why having a good set of markup Schema is so important in competitive keywords.

Increase the potential CTR

70-80% of users ignore the paid ads, focusing on the organic results. The problem is that how can your site result can be stood out among various choices. Having a perfect Schema structure will bring to your site a more trusted and professional look compare to the others. Be able to grab the shopper attention, no wonder the site click rate will increase significantly. And also, like I mentioned above, occupying for more space will effectively lead to higher CTR. No matter where you rank in the organic result, CTR is the final goal you strike for. That’s why optimize the usage of structured data shall directly help you reach the final goal.

Higher ranking

It’s obvious that the Google Rich Snippets in Magento 2 plays a critical role in SEO process. Structured data is how you interprete your website content and topic to Google Bots. As Google loves clarity and comprehension, Google will love the way you explaining nicely what your website’s content about. As the search engine crawlers can easier to check and determine the site information, there is no doubt that websites use Schema Structured Data will be ranked higher than the others. Improving SEO ranking is one of the biggest successes in SEO and of course, your business will be boosted dramatically.

Configuration Google Rich Snippets

Take a look at how it works by this example. Go to Products > Catalog > choose a product.


Then, expand Search Engine Optimization tab.


This field allows the users can edit and see visually how the structured data will be displayed in the Search Engine Result Pages.

  • Add the Meta Title.
  • Add the URL Key.
  • Insert the Meta Description.

Now you’ve learned what Magento 2 Rich Snippets are and how it will affect your SEO performance. With some proper configuration, this feature will definitely make your presence on Google result page much more appealing.

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