For various online merchants, getting attention from visitors to turn them into customers is of utmost importance. However, after having a certain number of new and active customers, how to persuade them to come back to these stores and make more purchases also plays an integral role in making the success of any business. To address this concern, Magento 2 Reward Points is introduced with the aim to help business doers maximize their profits. Among several outstanding features, this extension empowers users chance to themselves decide the amount of reward points for each kind of goods and services.
Configuration in the backend
To make adjustment to the amount of reward points for each products, shop owners can configure in the backend like these following steps. First, admins have to access from Admin Panel > Mageplaza > Reward Points > Earning Rate
, detailed information about current earning rates will be presented in a table including ID, Website, Customer Group, Priority, and so on. This is the place where admins can take lots of actions like editing, deleting or creating new earning rates and deciding the level of priority for each group of customers.
Edit earning rate
To make changes to a current earning rate, store owners can choose Edit button from Action column on the right side of the Grid. After that, on the result page, store admins can start making adjustments for Website, Customer Group, Rate, and Priority.
Delete earning rate
If there is any earning rate that shop owners want to delete, they can tick on the box on the left side of this earning rate to mark it as chosen. Then, they have to click on Actions bar and choose Delete. Following this action, a confirmation message will be presented, admins are required to click on the OK button to finish deleting an earning rate.
Create new earning rate
In case admins want to generate a new earning rate to apply, they can choose Add Rate button on the right side above the grid. The system will bring store owners to a page which requires them to fill in necessary information concerning Website, Group of Customer, Rate, and Priority. After finishing typing required details, admins can click on the Save button to complete configuring or Save and Continue Edit option to save new rate and continue configuring.
Determining priority
It may come to a point when there are many similar earning rates (applied on different customer groups or websites). This priority function decides which earning rate is applied first. The indicator of every priority differentiates the level of priority for this earning rate from others. The bigger the number is, the lower priority its earning rate has. Thus, one earning rate receives the highest priority when it is presented by number 0. In case two earning rates have the same priority, the one with a smaller ID will be prioritized.
Besides, admins can perform other actions such as using Filter to easily find out an earning rate from the list, exporting rate to make a record, and enabling a column to be presented or not.
Display on the frontend
On the display, before deciding to make any purchase, customers are enabled to see how many points they will earn if completing this deal. These points gained are shown in three different places: below each product’s general information, on the mini cart, and on the shopping cart.
Points attached with products
Along with every product, buyers are provided with some brief information concerning name, price, reviews, points, and so on which depend on admins’ purposes.
Points on the Mini Cart
In the mini cart, customers are informed again about the amount of points gained for each product.
Points on the Shopping Cart
Before checkout process, shopping doers are allowed to take a look at their whole orders including information about products, prices with taxes, and total points they will earn after payment.
To sum up, Mageplaza Reward Points supports online business to present reward points for each product; consequently, shop admins can attract more people to make purchases at their stores. Besides, admins can also use label for reward points to make their loyalty program become more interesting and enjoyable for customers. If you want to know more about customizable point label, follow here: