Print in Mass PDF Invoice
Brian Tran | 02-26-2018
The Most Popular Extension Builder for Magento 2
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Recently, there are various business doers investing in e-commerce as an update along with the age of technology. That is the reason why numerous solutions come out to step by step perfect the ecology of e-commerce for each business. Mageplaza PDF invoice extension is also a typical example of a complete solution for marketers when dealing with management, especially sending invoice to customers. Among several outstanding features provided, printing PDF invoice in massive number receives much attention from store owners.
Mageplaza PDF invoice extension supports four types of billing documents which are Invoice, Order, Shipment, and Credit Memo. Print a mass of versions function can be applied for all those receipts. Also, this function can be used by both shop admins and customers whenever they want.
Backend configuration
To start configuring, shop admins have to access Admin Panel > Mageplaza > PDF Invoice > Configuration
, then choose General Configuration. In the display page, navigate Order, Invoice, Shipment, and Credit Memo.
Firstly, shop admins need to turn on PDF attachment for these four billing documents in backend and allow Print button to appear.
For example, regarding Order PDF, store owners need to allow PDF orders to be attached in emails to buyers by selecting Yes
. If admins tick on Use system value, they will automatically enable PDF attachment as default setting for store is Yes
Besides, in Show Custom Print Button, you can customize your preference by unmarking Use System Value, then decide Print Button will be displayed in backend or on frontend or both of them. It means that, if you choose Custom PDF, Print Button will appear on frontend for customers only. In case, Both option is chosen, both shop admins and buyers can print PDF orders. If business owners tick on Use System Value.
After that, Print PDF Order button will appear on each order so that shop admins can get the printed copy of any order at ease.
In case they want to print a mass of PDF orders, they can tick on boxes on the left hand to mark them as chosen or choose Select All option. Next, they can click on Actions section, then select Print PDF Orders to get hard copies of all chosen orders at the same time.
With regards to other three documents Invoice, Shipment, and Credit Memo, the same steps need to be done to finish configuring in backend.
Frontend display
To take mass actions, customers after finish placing orders and paying for their bills, they can visit My Order. Next, select the order they want to print and click on View Order button. In the result page, buyers can easily identify Print PDF Order button and Print Order button. Depending on personal preference, they can select between these two offered options.
On the frontend, shoppers cannot print all orders at the same time; however, they are enabled to get printed copies of all invoices and shipments by a single click only. All they need to do is navigating Invoices and Order Shipments, then finding Print All PDF Invoices or Print All Shipments and clicking on to finish.
With regard to Invoices, and Order Shipments, if customers do not want to take mass actions, they can click on each invoice or shipment to print that invoice or shipment only.
In short, Mageplaza PDF Invoice extension supports online merchants significantly in managing all purchases. Beside massive actions can be performed in printing, customers and admins are enabled to choose between beautiful and smart PDF invoices or invoices from default setting. If you want to find more about that function, refer here: