Gift Message

Gift Message

Sending a gift message can’t be omitted as the spirit value it brings to the recipient is immeasurable. This is why Magento 2 Gift Card extension was developed to make this done more easily for both store admins and gift card buyers.

Gift messages can be configured in the Gift Card template configuration, Gift Code configuration and Gift Card product page. In this article, this feature will be introduced to you in details.

Gift message length configuration

You should define the maximum number of characters allowed in a gift message in the Gift Card Template Configuration first. Go Mageplaza > Gift Card > Configuration > Gift Card Template Configuration.

Only by entering a number in the box (as shown in the screenshot below), you will get this all done. 120 is the maximum number of letters that can be used in a message. Remember that if you leave the box empty, the module will understand that you allow that the maximum length of the message is 120 characters. Also, 0 means that up to 120 characters can be used.

Gift message length configuration

Gift message display on templates

You are able to allow or disallow gift card buyers to leave a gift message on their gift cards. To enable this feature in the backend is really easy to be done.

Go Mageplaza > Gift Card > Manage Templates, from there, you can choose to create a new template or edit an existing one. The gift message configuration part is in Template Information > Design > Design Template.

The Drag and Drop feature plays a cool role here, only by moving the blue square named Message from the left to the designing area, you will have the Message box displayed exactly like what you see on the template.

To make the appearance of the field more precise, you can customize its size by typing figures in the boxes Width (px) and Height (px) or changing its position by editing the boxes Top (px) and Left (px).

Mageplaza Gift Card extension also allows store admins to use custom CSS to edit the field Message, so feel free to take advantage of it. Some of CSS examples are listed below for your conference:

background-color: #fff
border: 1px solid #ccc
padding: 5px
border-radius: 5px
font-size: 13px
color: #000

Remember that a semicolon (;) should be used to separate values.

Gift message display on templates

As default, the line Hope you enjoy this gift card will be displayed on gift card templates. However, it is only visible in backend to be an indicator of how the message will look on the frontend.

Gift Message


In the frontend, gift card buyers are able to leave a message in a box. Every single letter of the message will appear simultaneously on the card along with the one being typed in the box. Under the box, gift card buyers will see how many letters remaining. All of these features will help optimize shopping experience on your store.

Gift Message Frontend

In conclusion, finding an extension that can satisfy both admins and buyers is what every online merchant want to possess. Because of all outstanding features offered, [Mageplaza Gift Card extension deserves to be one of the most appropriate supporting modules for any e-commerce.

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