Gift Card History Checking

Gift Card History Checking

For various online merchants, it is really hard to manage a huge amount of database without any help from other extensions, especially the number of customers and orders have been increasing frequently. Mageplaza Gift Card extension provides business doers not only a complete solution for giving gifts but also a well-organized management system. Particularly, with the checking gift card history functions, both shop admins and customers are supported to manage their certificates easier.

Backend configuration for admins

To access configuration for gift card history, first admins need to look at Admin Panel > Mageplaza > Gift Card > Gift Card History.

Gift Card History Checking

In the result page, you can easily see a list of all vouchers created and its details. For example, when looking at one card, shop owners can figure out all information related to this card such as gift code, balance, amount change, created date, status, action and a detailed note. In the Action column, you can know whether the certificate is created, sent, or refunded. Similarly, there are some options in the Status column such as Active, Cancelled, and Used to help shop admins identify the card more easily.

Gift Card History Checking

Additionally, in the Detail column, as its name presented, it includes information about gift card pools, redeemed cards, and so on that enables business doers to have a closer look to their sold products.

Gift Card History Checking

Moreover, when the store has a huge number of gift cards purchased, admins can use filter function to easily track back any cards they want. For example, they can fill in ID, Balance, Amount Change, Created Date, Code, and/or Action, then click on Apply Filter to see all results found.

Additionally, store owners are also allowed to decide which column will appear in the Gift Card History page. To make adjustments in default setting, all they need to do is clicking on Column and then mark or unmark the columns they want. Interestingly, you can just click Reset to reverse to the initial appearance at anytime.

Gift Card History Checking

Frontend display and customization

Customers when purchasing gift cards at your store can find all their gift card history at ease by clicking on My Gift Card after signing in.

Gift Card History Checking

In the result page, consumers can get to know their current balance and saved cards. With each certificate, all detailed information is provided logically, such as Gift Code, Balance, Status, Expired Date. Therefore, when checking the shopping history, buyers are enabled to know whether their cards are active or used easily or how much they spent. Besides, they are also allowed to check or redeem their vouchers by entering gift code on the left corner of the page.

Gift Card History Checking

In addition, other shopping activities of customers are also recorded to help them manage their spendings more easily and more conveniently. To check the shopping history, purchasers can take a look at transactions to get detailed information about date, time, action, and amount of money they have spent.

Gift Card History Checking

Furthermore, shoppers are enabled to get latest information about all changes made to their gift cards by turning on notification settings. In other words, spending history of customers can be updated instantly if they want.

Additionally, Mageplaza Gift Card extension also enables shopping doers to receive gift card notification via SMS to help them manage their gift codes better.

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