Mageplaza FAQ - 7+ Case Studies on Actual Magento 2 Stores

Summer Nguyen avatar
Summer Updated: 2024-07-01


Let’s see how e-commerce stores create professional, useful and beautiful FAQ pages as well as other features with Mageplaza FAQ extension.


FAQ for Magento 2

Create an informative SEO-friendly FAQ page to address customer inquiries swiftly

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7+ great examples - How actual Magento 2 stores are gaining benefits from Mageplaza FAQ extension?

Use an instant search box to quickly find the FAQs

Mageplaza FAQ extension allows users to search for their desired topics instantly by the search box placed on the top of the FAQ page. Users just need to type one or some characters and see the table of results dropping down right on the search bar. This feature reduces the time spent on searching and brings the feeling of convenience when it comes to user experience.

Win your customers' heart successfully with FAQ extension!

Examples of actual Mageplaza’ customer online stores

Itrees is a dedicated website selling trees with a passion to provide customers not only high-quality products but also great experience. They actually use FAQ extension for their Magento 2 store wisely. They put the search box right on top of their FAQ page, which lets their customers quickly search for the concerned matters within a few seconds. The search box is customized by the color of the brand theme.

magento 2 faq instant search
Instant search box on Itrees's FAQs page

Another good example is Jarvis Walker, a fishing gear website that requires detailed guides for customers . The brand prioritizes the left column for the navigation bar, and the FAQs section then fits in the one-column layout. Therefore, to prevent customers from scrolling down again and again, they use the search bar to let them type in the keyword, hit the Search button and wait for the results showing up after a few seconds.

magento 2 faq instant search
Instant search box on Jarvis Walker's FAQs page

Why do every online store need an FAQ page?

Another different case is Unicycle UK. The FAQ bank of this website is quite large, with around 100 articles, therefore, the search bar is a smart choice. Customers will not have to look for their desired questions in different categories, instead, they just need to use the search bar and get the results right away.

magento 2 faq instant search
Instant search box on Unicycle UK's FAQs page

Manage FAQs in categories for easier search and navigation

With this extension of Mageplaza, you can divide FAQs into unlimited categories to help customers quickly find their desired topics which are related to their concerns. Dedicated categories also improve the user experience with its tidiness, which motivates users to explore the page as well as bring about the willingness to buy.

Examples of actual Mageplaza’ customer online stores

All of aforementioned websites, Itree, Jarvis Walker, and Unicycle UK use the categories cleverly, which address the frequently asked questions or popular topics.

For example, with Itrees, their categories are about terms and conditions, and especially, insight-driven topics. Tree-lovers might be satisfied with specific guidelines as well as detailed answers.

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Question categories on Itrees's FAQs page

Still being a different case, Unicycle UK uses the “View all” button to expand the category when needed because of the broad number of questions. By each category, the number of questions is also displayed.

magento 2 faq question category
Question categories on Unicycle UK's FAQs page

With Tuinmeubelland, a colorful website, they add a little extra embellishment to the FAQ page with customized icons for each category title by this feature of Mageplaza extension.

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Question categories on Tuinmeubelland's FAQs page

Show a dedicated FAQ tab on each product page for instant product answers

FAQ on product pages is an extremely useful feature for websites that have particular questions for each product and want to make sure that their visitors can get the question figured out promptly when they are on an important page.

This feature helps stores to accelerate the customer acquisition by providing information that solve the questions, build up trust and enrich the online shopping experience.

See also: How to Customize FAQ Page Design in Magento 2?

Examples of actual Mageplaza’ customer online stores

Itrees diligently adds the Q&A tab on each product page and includes all questions which are related to the product. This feature motivates visitors to get interested and place their trust in the business as well as the product in a short time. Besides, users can submit a new question right from the Q&A box and wait for the brand to respond via emails.

magento 2 faq product question
Advanced dedicated Q&A section on Itrees's product pages

Merchants can add the FAQ page link anywhere on the website to make sure customers can access it quickly when they need to.

Examples on actual Mageplaza’ customer online stores

Itrees put it on both the Mega Menu and Footer Link.

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Q&A link on mega menu of Itrees's website
magento 2 faq link
Q&A link on footer of Itrees's website

Jarvis Walker incorporates the FAQ section in the Customer Support page, where customers head to frequently to look for help.

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Q&A link on Customer Support Center of Jarvis Walker's website

Another case is Yalla Protein, which uses the FAQ link only in the most visible place of the website, the footer link.

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Q&A link on footer of Yalla Protein's website

Choose the layout and color to match the store theme

Mageplaza FAQ extension allows merchants to design the FAQ section with the following elements:

  • Page layout
  • Category column
  • Question style
  • Main color

With our tailored layouts, you can easily customize an FAQ page that is suitable with your store design, customer demand as well as the content.

Examples on actual Mageplaza’ customer online stores

Itrees uses 1-column page layout and 2-column category layout and the main color of FAQ is adjusted perfectly to the right color of the brand.

magento 2 faq page customizable design
FAQs page design on Itrees

Nina Kendosa Paris, a fashion website, uses 1-column page layout and 3-column category layout. The pink color perfectly characterizes the brand spirit.

magento 2 faq page customizable design
FAQs page design on Nina Kendosa Paris

Being a different case, Jarvis Walker uses 2-column-left-bar page layout and 1-column category layout. This layout helps customers to switch between different sections when they explore the website.

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FAQs page design on Jarvis Walker

One more important configuration is that the question form on the main FAQ page can be used in “Collapsible” form, which features accordions allowing users to expand each question to read the answer. This design helps visitors to view all questions at once and locate exactly what they are looking for without scrolling through a ton of unrelated questions.

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Collapsible questions on Jarvis Walker's FAQ page

Other outstanding features of FAQ extension for Magento 2

Mageplaza FAQ extension is developed with a number of useful features that support the store to improve customer experience, page ranks on Search Engines and boost sales revenue ultimately. Here are some other prominent features.

Questions Rating

Users can vote for both questions and answers to express their opinions toward the usefulness of the content. This feature helps customers to know other people interact with the store and supports the store to optimize the quality of content.

GDPR Compliance

Display the Term and Conditions box before submitting a question. Mageplaza FAQ extension is also compatible with GDPR module for Magento 2.

reCAPTCHA in Question Form

Increase the security by adding fully compatible Google reCAPTCHA extension to the Ask the question submit form.

Social Sharing

Customers can quickly share questions on popular social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other 194 services.

Restrict FAQs

Admins can restrict the question submission right to different customer groups.

FAQ Reports

Store merchants can keep track of FAQ activities and related statistics easily on the backend. The report includes figures on Views, Action, Positive and Negative.

Get FAQ extension now!

Facts - Why do you need FAQ for your online store?

Fact 1: Customers visit your FAQs as frequently as your product pages

8 of 10 customers visiting your website will visit the FAQ page. (Forrester) A customer can have dozens of confusion during the shopping process, for example, size and fit, return policy, payment, shipping, warranty, guide, and many more. You must find a place to allocate all of the answers when customers are likely to have questions because confused customers buy nothing.

Fact 2: They are always willing to explore your products and services here and there

Customers love to explore and seek answers to their questions on multiple pages including the FAQ page because it increases their trust and decreases their confusion and security.

Fact 3: FAQ page’s visitors are the Most Aware ones which intentionally show their interest in your business

53% of US online adults are likely to abandon their online purchase if they don’t get their question answered quickly. (Forrester) Your FAQ page is the best place to store information about terms and services such as shipping and return, payment, etc., which are all the information that Most Aware customers need before making a purchase decision.

How does FAQ benefit your e-commerce business?

Answer customers’ questions upfront

70% of customers expect the website to include a self-service application, according to Steven Van Belleghem. FAQ page is a helpful section for customers to get their questions answered the quickest.

You can look at most-asked questions on your website, the Internet, social media platforms to predict likely concerns and prepare the answers for future visitors to your website.

Persuade customers that your service is going to be extensive

The more helpful, informative and customer-oriented your content is, the more likely you will offer committed customer service support. This is what customers suppose.

Increase business’ reliability

Providing instant and detailed information about your business including brand information, products and services helps bridge the gap between online and bridge-and-mortal shopping.

Leverage personal shopping experience

FAQ pages help customers find helpful information conveniently and quickly, which will make the shopping process enjoyable and increase the likelihood of return customers.

Improve website’s SEO

Customers search for solutions to their problems on search engines. Posting related topics and answers both on the landing page, product page, blog and FAQ page help website pages gain higher ranks and draw the visitors more easily.

Streamline visitors through the sales funnel

When someone arrives at your FAQ page, they can be in any stage of the sales funnel. Therefore, if you can take advantage of the content in the FAQs and move high-qualified visitors further down the funnel and turn them to customers.

Boost sales effectively

Ultimately, FAQ pages are a cost-saving tool to boost sales because of its flexibility in content, usability, and position on your website.

Final words

An advanced FAQs page is critical element in the quality of your customer services and a brigde connecting customers with customers, customer with your brand. The customization capabilities of Mageplaza FAQs extension will enable you to motivate customers learn more about your products, therefore, to be increasingly involved in the purchasing decision. This is definetely a goof choice for your Magento website.

Improve your customer service with FAQ extension now!

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A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.

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