Sm amaz theme by Magentech

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Sm amaz

SM Amaz themes has been purchased 74, rating: 3.75/5 based on 4 reviews.

SM Amaz theme

Highlight features

  • Include search box pro
  • Include 4 theme skins available
  • Build on flat design
  • Many modules in-house
  • Easy to install and manage
  • Support Ajax cart

SM Amaz is a versatile theme designed and developed by Magentech. It is inspired by Metro UI design style with eye catching layout and unique. Amaz theme is a flat design with a harmonious combination of colors. Besides that, it has 4 themes and 6 product profiles for you to choose from according to your ideas. Moreover, it is very flexible and the powerful backend which allows you to change things easily in the blink of an eye. It saves you considerable time in managing your online store.