
F2 theme by Jetimpex

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F2 themes has been purchased 247, rating: 4/5 based on 4 reviews.

F2 theme

Highlight features

  • Unique product page
  • Social Login
  • Supports brands
  • Film Slider
  • Ajax Catalog Filter

It is such a trendy and stylish Designer Boutique Magento Theme, F2 is developed with the latest web tendencies such as Magento 2. The layout features an edge-to-edge slider, a set of product banners and featured items. Moreover, this theme is mixed bold banners with the sets of Special and New products. In addition, it can navigate by the header, a fixed MegaMenu. Furthermore, the fixed right sidebar provides quick access to the live search, settings, shopping cart and a user’s account. Overall, the theme is also customizable with many outstanding options, F2 can be a perfect choice for any admins.