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Dixi theme by Volusthemes

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Dixi themes has been purchased 4, rating: 4/5 based on 4 reviews.

Dixi theme

Highlight features

  • Build on Bootstrap 3
  • Mobile first user
  • Allow customers to filter products
  • Tell your story by a video and images on homepage
  • Collection showcase
  • Related products included

Oxygen Jewelry is a best Shopify theme for customers and merchants to use. This is a fast-paced and mobile-friendly theme. Based on W3C, HTML5, CSS3, Oxygen is fully compatible with every store such as jewelry, decorations, rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants, diamonds, gems, tigers Brass, coral, jade, etc. This theme allows customers to filter products by type and sort products so that customers are more likely to search and choose easily. This is a great theme that you are looking for. Try Oxygen with your store today!