Chocolate theme by Templatemela

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Chocolate themes has been purchased 68, rating: 4/5 based on 5 reviews.

Chocolate theme

Highlight features

  • Optimize for fast loading
  • SEO friendly
  • Support Google fonts
  • Unlimited colors
  • Lots of CMS blocks
  • Integrate cloud zoom
  • Strong admin settings

Chocolate is a theme that is compatible with Magento 1 stores. It is designed for chocolate shops, coffee shops, beverages and bakery. If you are a site owner, you deserve a quality and professional theme like this. It allows you to display the product on the website sharp and excellent. Besides that, Chocolate theme looks stunning with attractive colors and thousands of extensions such as Blog module, Mega Menu, Bestseller products, Slider, etc. Another great point, it has a nice layout and is suitable for all devices. This will surely make the customer satisfied.