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Sports Gear

Sports gear theme by Buddhathemes

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Sports gear

Sports Gear themes has been purchased 13, rating: 4/5 based on 11 reviews.

Sports Gear theme

Highlight features

  • New and unique elements designed professionally
  • 5 different styles of Mega menu
  • Social integration
  • Coded with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Supports nonlatin characters

There is a Shopify e-commerce platform that is especially designed for sports products called Sports Gear. Furthermore, coded with HTML5 and CSS3, The Sports Gear is responsive to any kinds of screens. This theme is extremely exclusive with many helpful features that can boost the online business. There are 5 different styles of the Mega menu for admins to display the options. Moreover, it also supports nonlatin characters such as Chinese, Arabic, etc. Especially, Sports Gear allows customers to integrate with social networks, which can make the log in process much easier.