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Food Basket

Food basket theme by Jetimpex

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Food basket

Food Basket themes has been purchased 47, rating: 4/5 based on 15 reviews.

Food Basket theme

Highlight features

  • Multilanguages and Multicurrency
  • Parallax
  • Producr Badges
  • CrossBrowser Compability
  • Google Fonts

Food Shop Shopify Theme built especially for food stores is an innovative solution for your e-commerce. With the smooth navigation, this theme allows users to find necessary pages and desired products immediately by MegaMenu and live search. Moreover, the smart slider helps admins display the hot and new goods in an appealing way. Furthermore, it also supports Multi-currency which can make the checkout process easier. Especially, the customers will be provided an amazing experience in your store by sorting options and Parallax effect. In addition, it is free for visitors to choose and mark items by product badges, which can boost the sales for your stores.