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Fastor theme by Roartheme

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Fastor themes has been purchased 1318, rating: 4/5 based on 213 reviews.

Fastor theme

Highlight features

  • 7 new skins
  • Mobile Toolbars
  • Lookbook
  • 26 custom headers
  • Autocomplete search

Fastor updates the most technologies, which help customers make things easier to use, minimize the UI, cut out the complex settings, eliminate the mistakes in the previous version but still keep the goal od Fastor. Especially, it is successful for the theme to integrate Shopify Sections in this version, which makes Fastor 2.0 better than ever. The team is always precise with every single detail of Fastor to insure the perfection. Because we know, customer is the most important object in its own way, own goal.