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Ap Frozen

Ap frozen theme by Apollotheme

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Ap frozen

Ap Frozen themes has been purchased 37, rating: 4/5 based on 23 reviews.

Ap Frozen theme

Highlight features

  • Ap QuickView
  • Ap Countdown
  • Ap Featured Product
  • Ap fitter product
  • Ap Multilanguage

To impress the visitors whenever they visit your store, it is necessary for store owners to invest more about their Shopify template. And the Ap Frozen Shopify Theme with a professional design and outstanding features will be the best choice for you. With a large banner and a large slideshow in full responsive screens, the products’ images will be displayed the best. Furthermore, Newsletter signup pop-up allows the customers to receive news via email, or they totally can click “Close” if they do not want to receive. This Ap Frozen also includes many extraordinary features such as Ap fitter product, Ap Featured Product. Especially, the store owners can serve the customers from all around the world by multi languages and multi-currency features. Moreover, by latest technologies like Bootstrap 3, SASS, HTML5, CSS3, Font Awesome 4, your store will be updated with the best trend without much knowledge about coding.