Magento 2 Terms and Conditions

To cut down cart abandonment, to apply an optimized one-page checkout is vital. Apart from other features like on-page Gift Wrap selection and Gift message, the Term and Conditions checkbox can be featured thanks to Magento 2 One Step Checkout PRO.

The important role of showing Terms and Conditions to your shoppers should be unforgettable. It is not only how you generate all the rule for your shoppers, the appearance of Terms and Conditions also needs to be obvious to avoid legal disputes as well as raise your shopper’s truth to your store. Hence, before an order is submitted, terms and conditions must be read and One Step Checkout allows store admin to freely design the terms and conditions in the checkout page.

With Magento 2 One Step Checkout extensions, you can create unlimited TOS as the module supports many TOS at once on the checkout page. Moreover, your shoppers can view the full terms and conditions which will appear in the popup box. Therefore, your shoppers will stay still on the checkout page and view all your policies without reloading or redirecting page.

Let’s move to the next part to see how store admin can manage terms and conditions with One Step Checkout.

Configure Terms and Conditions

Firstly, you need to set the text box of Terms and Conditions in the store backend. Before reaching to the configuration, you will have to log in your admin account then follow this path Store > Terms and Conditions. The admin interface now displays as the picture below.

magento 2 terms and conditions backend

Create new terms and conditions

To create new Term and Conditions for your store, click on Add New Condition button. Then enter your intent in the following fields: the Condition Name, Checkbox Text, Content, and Content Height (CSS).

In the Status field, choose Enable to activate the Terms and Conditions feature.

Select Text or HTML in the Show Content as field to set the appearance.

If you choose Automatically in the Applied field, the terms and conditions of your store are set as your customers have agreed with them. They can place an order without reading your policy. In contrast, if the Applied field is configured as Manually, you shoppers will need to tick the checkbox to agree with your terms and conditions before completing the order.

Next, choose the Store View that you want to display the terms and conditions and click on Save Condition to finish.

creating new terms and conditions in Magento 2

Add terms and conditions to checkout page

After saving new terms and conditions, go to Store > Configuration.

Choose Sales > Checkout. Expand the Checkout Options section, set the Enable Terms and Conditions field to Yes and click on Save Config button.

Configure Terms and Conditions checkbox

Finally, click to expand Mageplaza option, choose One Step Checkout. In the Display Configuration section, set the Show Terms and Conditions field to In Review Area or In Payment Area to display terms and conditions. Click on Save Config and all the configuration is done.

enable terms and conditions checkbox in checkout page


Magento 2 terms and conditions video tutorial

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