Magento 2 Quick lookup Options

Quick Lookup Options is a feature which is integrated into Improved Layered Navigation for Magento 2. When you enable this feature on the Layered Navigation configuration, a search box will be available for each attribute group and the customer just needs to insert the keywords to receive all of the filter results in a second.

This feature especially effective when your store has various filter variants. Hence, the customer doesn’t need to scroll down hopelessly to find what they want.

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quick lookup video

The benefits of Quick Lookup Options

Boost the sales

Generally, the customer who finds the products quickly more likely to make a purchase. Thanks to Quick Lookup Options, the search process will become more convenient and effortless. No wonder this feature will boost the sales significantly.

Higher the conversion rate

Conversion is one of the key elements for any eCommerce site to grow and stand out. The higher the conversion rate will bring the better experience to the visitors and of course, will increase your store profit.

Increased site usage

Creating the better way for the shoppers to find their items will improve their satisfaction. As a result, the shoppers are more likely to spend more time on the site and can boost the number of registrations and return visits.


Step 1: Go to General Configuration Field

To enable the Quick Lookup Options feature, please go to Admin Panel > Mageplaza > Layered Navigation > Configuration. In General Configuration section, you just need to turn the Enable Filter Option field to Yes to activate or leave the field as No to disable it.

quick lookup backend

Step 2: Save the config

Click Save Config to save.

Step 3: Go to Product Attributes Configuration Field

You can choose to enable/ disable the search box for each attribute group by going to Stores > Attributes > Products. Then choose the attribute and go to the Layered Navigation Properties tab. You can choose Use Config Settings to follow the setting on the Configuration above or enable/ disable by choosing Yes/ No.

quick lookup backend

Step 4: Save and Check

Click Save Attribute to save and see the result.

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